Gally Imagine for Kim

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For @elgort88

Smuttyyyyyyyy 😉😉 enjoy!

"Gally, you can't do stuff like that! Kick a greenie's ass, then storm off? What the hell is wrong with you?" I exclaimed angrily, as Gally stormed into the map room.

"Shut up Kim, this has nothing to do with you!" He yelled at me, his eyes dark.

"It has to do with all of us! You treat us all like shit, especially the greenies!" I growled, taking a step towards him.

"Listen Kim, you get angry sometimes too. You just handle it, erm- better, than I do, okay?" He said, grabbing my upper arm.

"Take it out on me."

"What?" He asked, shocked.

"Put all your anger into sex. I've heard that it helps," I shrugged, stepping closer to him.

He didn't say anything else, he just crashed his lips to mine, so rough and fast that I almost couldn't keep up.

He shoved his tongue into my mouth, earning a muffled moan from me.

My hands tugged at his shirt, silently begging for it to disappear.

He ripped his shirt off quickly, bringing his lips down to mine again.

His fingers skillfully worked the buttons on my shirt, allowing me to shrug it off.

He tugged my hair, sexily grabbing fistfuls of it. His lips trailed down my neck and jaw.

I ghosted my hands over his chest and abs, before I found his belt buckle. I quickly undid it, shoving his pants and boxers down.

His hand reached behind me and unclipped my bra hastily.

I moaned softly as he took my left nipple into his warm, wet mouth. He used one of his hands to rub and pinch my other nipple.

His other hand snaked down to the line of my shorts, and he brought them down my legs, along with my panties.

He wasted no time on getting into me. He shoved his cock into my entrance, earning a high pitched moan from me.

He pounded into me, his thrusts showing no mercy.

"Fuck, you're tight," He groaned, using his fingers to rub my clit roughly.

He continued thrusting into me, hitting my g-spot perfectly.

"Gally!" I screamed as I felt my orgasm approaching.

"That's right baby, scream my name. Dirty little whore," He whispered in my ear. Normally, words like that would hurt me, but at this time, they brought me closer to my orgasm.

I screamed out loudly as he slammed into me once more.

I felt my body relax as I clenched around him, coming around him.

He kept going, leading up to his orgasm.

"God Kim, do we get to do this every time I get mad?" He asked, smirking.

"Hell yes," I muttered, smiling happily.


I'm going to hell. 😂😂 COOL!

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