How you snuggle in bed

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You both pretty much need each other to fall asleep, so he loves to be touching you a lot. Y'all like to sleep with your back to his chest, and his arms around your waist. You always nuzzle your head into the crook of his neck too. ❤️❤️

You guys both kick in your sleep a lot, so you try not to sleep too close to each other so no one gets hurt 😂 you usually just hold hands from opposite sides of the bed. ❤️😂

Minho, being the strong man he is, likes it when you sleep directly on top of him. You'll keep your head in the crook of his neck, your hands on his chest, your body on his torso, and your legs intertwined. ❤️❤️

You guys are like most couples, and you spoon, but you like it when he's the little spoon. You've never really known why, you just find it adorable. ❤️❤️

A/N: OMFG GUYS! This book has been out for three fricking days!! And I hit 1.24K readers today! I know that there are billions of stories that have wayyyyy more readers than that on wattpad, but I'm still incredibly grateful for all of y'all! I love you so much. When I wake up in the morning, publishing a new chapter for you guys is what I look forward to. ❤️❤️ this is amazing ❤️ thank you guys so much!!!!!

-Callie 💛💙💜💚❤️

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