How he wakes you up

3.7K 77 30

He'll tickle you

He'll kiss you all over your face

He'll sing little songs in your ear

He'll whisper sweet little compliments in your ear

Instagram: That_Bishhh_Callie_Zlotky
Twitter: CZlotky
Wattpad: CallieZlotky675

My lovelies!!!!! I hit 11K yesterday which I already announced but I'm already about to hit 12K and I can't even function 😁😁😁 I feel like a malfunctioning robot 😂😂 how on earth do you guys put up with me 😂😂

QOTD: What's your favorite book at the moment?

AOTD: I'm living for Girl Online by Zoe Sugg (Zoella on YouTube) it's amazing so if you haven't read it because you're not a fan of Zoella, then, you should read it because it's awesome. 💛💙❤️💜💚😍😂😘

Don't forget that I love you, and stay beautiful!!


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