Your wedding anniversary

2.9K 57 57

April 10

December 17

June 5

February 25 (my bday lol)

SIGH! I know you all probably hate me and I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in forever but I have literally had no preference ideas recently.

Oooooh!!!! Okay, so if your into 5sos (which I'm sure a lot of you are) I'm working on a ashton Irwin fanfic! It'll probably be published this weekend, so watch for that. If you want part in it, here's the list of roles I need⬇

If you don't get the role you want, I'm sorry. Btw if you get a part, I will include your name and your personality but I may tweak your looks a little. To apply for a part, comment your name and a short summary of your personality. these are the roles I need⬇️
Ashton's gf (The main character)-Taken
Ashton's best girl friend (there will be two girls for this part)- 1/2 is taken
Michaels gf-Taken
Luke's gf-Taken
Calums gf-Taken
Ashton's ex gf
The members of the book club (there will be six girls or guys for this one)-1/6 is taken

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