How He makes out with you

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Thomas wants to make every kiss with you last, so he always makes out with you passionately, no matter who's watching, or where you are.

Newt loves to feel you up whilst he makes out with you. His tongue will explore your mouth and his hands will explore your body.

With Minho being a runner, you never know if your regular goodbye is going to be your last. So, whenever he kisses you, he takes his time, pulls you close, and picks you up. He makes your make out sessions worth the world.

When he makes out with you, his tongue shows you no mercy. He loves to shove his tongue down your throat and you've never complained.

This preference was recommended by TbsIsBae_TmrIsLife she's awesome and her books are great! Go check out her account and books ❤️💜💛💚💙

Instagram: @That_Bishhh_Callie_Zlotky
Twitter: @CZlotky
Wattpad: CallieZlotky675

Don't forget, I do imagines! You can request them in the comments with all the information which I showed in the chapter where I announced imagines which is titled "imagines?" Incase you're like me and you skip over stuff like that and you didn't already read that chapter 😂 You can put your request in the comments or even PM me if you want, and I won't ignore you, I always put out imagines when I promise them to someone, I swear ❤️ you can also recommend/request certain preferences and I might take them into work. You can request preferences in the comments or through PM, and don't forget to follow me on Instagram, Twitter, and wattpad ❤️

Love you,
Callie ❤️

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