What you guys fight over the most

4.3K 95 14

His connection with Teresa

Your friendship with Minho

You wanna be a runner, but he thinks it's too dangerous for you.

The things you use his credit card to buy. 💳💳💳

Instagram: That_Bishhh_Callie_Zlotky
Twitter: CZlotky
Wattpad: CallieZlotky675

Follow me on all the stuff⬆️ I'll follow you back because I love learning about you through your social media accounts 💻💻📱📱
I do imagines! You can request an imagine using the info that I showed in my chapter titled "imagines?" You can put your request in the comments or PM it to me. You can recommend certain preferences the same way as imagines 😀

Love you,
-Callie ❤️

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