Your First Kiss

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"Alright love?" Newt came up to me as I plowed some dirt with no effort, making my work sloppy and not very good. "No," I groaned, tossing down my hoe, "why doesn't Thomas like me back?" I held my head in my hands, completely irritable. "He'll come around, he's just being clueless is all," he pulled me into a brotherly hug and I took a deep breath. "Thanks Newty, but erm, could I take the rest of the day off?" I asked, seeing as he was second in command. "Go ahead, Thomas is in the forest getting fertilizer," He winked at me and I laughed before taking off towards the woods. Thomas probably didn't know that I like him, but we were friends. I loved talking to him like there was no tomorrow. "Thomas?" I called out, looking around. "Help!" Thomas's voice called through the trees, and I found where he was. He was running quickly with Ben on his tail. "Thomas!" I screamed, and I began running right beside him. We kept running until we got to the glade. All the Gladers came rushing towards us. Ben pulled Thomas back and pinned him to the ground. "Thomas!" I yelled. A bunch of the boys pried Ben off of him and they began examining him. "Thank god you're okay," I whispered to Thomas, pulling him into a hug. "No, thank god you're okay, what were you thinking, you should've stayed back, he was after me not you. Y/N I care to much about you to let something happen to you," He pressed his forehead against mine and I could feel it coming. His lips collided with mine for the first time ever and, seeing as this had been what I'd been dreaming of for forever, it was amazing.

"He'll never notice you, I don't know what you're waiting on. It's pointless, you'll be waiting forever," I spoke to myself lowly as I watched Newt talk to Minho and Alby. "Don't say that," A voice said behind me, making me jump. I turned around to see Gally, who, despite his hateful attitude towards the rest of the Gladers, was my best friend. "Jesus, you scared me. Bloody slinthead," I chuckled lightly, before turning my eyes back to Newt. "You do know that he's into you, right? You're all he shucking talks about when it's just us guys," Gally laughed and began playing with a strand of my hair. "Stop lying. Newt's not shy, if he liked me, he'd have told me by now," I groaned, glancing back over at Newt. "Okay, keep telling yourself that. I think you should confront him about it, but maybe that's just me," He shrugged before walking off to help some builders, seeing as they're not exactly the smartest of us all. "Hey, Y/N, can we uh, talk?" I heard that adorable accent of his behind me. "Sure Newt, what's up?" I smiled, trying not to show how nervous I was. "So uh, if this goes wrong, it's all Minho's fault. But I was wondering if maybe you'd wanna go out with me?" He flushed red as he nervously asked me. I basically exploded inside. I'd wanted him for so long. "Yes, of course Newt!" I squealed, pulling him into a giant hug. "I think you're worth more celebration than a hug," He smirked before kissing my lips passionately. We stood there, kissing adoringly for about a minute before he pulled away. "Wow," I giggled.

"I still don't think you should be a runner Y/N, it's just not safe," Minho groaned as we stepped into the maze. "Well, Minho, you're gonna have to deal with it. I'm good at it, don't worry, I'll be fine," I smiled, elbowing his side lightly. Minho was possibly my best friend. We got along perfectly. But recently, I'd started developing feelings. Like more than friendship. I would've killed just to have him. I mean, who wouldn't? He was gorgeous, funny, smart, muscular. Is there anything not to like? "Y/N, you know I love you, I'm always gonna be worried for you," He looked down at me with those brown eyes that made me melt. "Yeah, but, just trust me," I chuckled, really wanting to kiss him in the moment. We ran all day, trying to memorize as much as we could. By the time we had gotten back and mapped everything, we were exhausted. We were sitting on his bed, just talking. When all of a sudden, he ditched our conversation about why meat is better than vegetables and said, "You know, you're beautiful." "W-what?" I stuttered, feeling my face heat up. "I said, you're beautiful. Y/N, I'd love to call you mine. Please be my girlfriend," He whispered in my ear lowly, I had no words. I'd imagined something like this for so long. I merely nodded, before wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him gently.

"Gally, you're such a prick!" I screamed angrily after he insulted Thomas for a fifth time today. "Y/N, why don't you stay out of this," He growled. "No, Gally. Tell me. Tell me why you're always so mean to Thomas," I said, cocking an eyebrow. "Y/N, I don't have to explain anything to you," He sighed, trying to walk away, but being blocked by me. "You do if I'm making you," I smirked, nodding to Thomas as he ran off. "You don't need to know," He shook his head. "Yes I do, Gally, he's my friend," I groaned. "You want to know why I'm so mean to Thomas? Y/N, I'm in love with you! And you're always too busy hanging out with Thomas to notice! I can never talk to you without Thomas coming up in conversation. Y/N, I'm jealous of him," He exclaimed before grabbing my waist and pulling me into a deep kiss. I thought about it for a meer half second before kissing him back. Suddenly, he was forgiven for previously being so mean.

I'm backkkkkkkkkkkkkkk PEOPLE!! YAY!!!!!

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