How You Found Your Song

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BEFORE I START THIS, TWO THINGS: I may have already posted a 'Your Song' preference. If I have, these songs will probably not be the same as those yeah. And, this is based in real life, not ze book/movie, if that makes sense. :D KK back to ze preference!

Thomas: Baby I by Ariana Grande (Ze queen <3)

"That was quite the movie," I muttered as I walked of the movie theater, terrified by the horror movie I'd  just seen. "Yeah, it was cool," Thomas smiled, lacing his fingers with mine confidently. "What do you want to do now? It's only 3:00," I smiled, checking the time on my phone quickly. "We could go out to eat. That little diner up in town?" He offered, making me grin and nod eagerly. "Sounds great," I nodded, walking with him to his car. We played the radio and sat in silence. I leaned my head back on the headrest slightly, setting my arm on the console. He smiled and took one hand off the wheel, and placing it on mine, drawing circles on my hand with his thumb. I smiled as Baby I by Ariana Grande came on the radio. "Baby I got love for thee, so deep inside of me, I don't know where to start.." I mumbled along to the lyrics quietly. "Hey, Y/N, I-uh,I-...Ugh I suck with words," Thomas stumbled with words rolling his eyes at himself as I giggled. "Yes, Thomas?" I laughed, watching him turn to me as we came to a stop at a red light. "I, uh, Y/N, I love you," He said the words for the first time, making me smile brightly. "I love you too, Tommy," I giggled, kissing his lips lightly as the light turned green again. 'Guess we just found our song,' I thought to myself, starting to mumble the lyrics to the song again.

Newt: Bad Enough For You by All Time Low

"You should ask her out, Newt. Stop just staring," Thomas told me as I gazed at Y/N. We had been just lucky enough to end up eating at the same restaurant she and her friends were eating at. "I could never ask her out. She likes bad boys," I muttered, looking away from her and at Thomas. "You could be a bad boy. If you put your mind to it," He shrugged, taking a sip of his drink. "Ha, don't mock me. I could never be a bad boy. I'm the biggest loser I know," I sighed, glancing at Y/N again. She had these cool red streaks in her (Y/H/C) hair that always got me. It was one of my favorite things about her. Her red streaks. "Well, I think you should take your chances. What's the worst thing that could happen?" He asked, shrugging his shoulders again. "I could get utterly rejected," I groaned. We sat in silence for the rest of the time. We left at just about the same time as Y/N and her friends. When we left the restaurant, she and her friends were sat in her car with Bad Enough For You by All Time Low blaring from inside. She was drumming her fingernails on the steering wheel as her friends talked amongst themselves. "Go for it, Newt. I'll go start the car," Thomas whispered in my ear, pushing me forward, causing me to stumble towards her car. "Newt? Hey!" She smiled, flicking a piece of red hair out of her face. "H-Hey, Y/N. Um, I was uh- wondering if I could uh, get your number. Maybe? If not, it's totally cool, I-" "Give me your phone," She smiled. "W-what?" "I'm gonna put my number in your phone," She said, holding out her hand. I got her number and smiled as she drove off with her friends. I guess I didn't have to be a bad boy for her. I was just bad enough for her. (A/N: That's some cheesy stupid stuff that I would say in real yeah)

Minho: Rebel Love Song by Black Veil Brides

"You can't see him anymore, Y/N, he's too old for you!" My dad screamed at me from across the dinner table. "He's not too old for me, dad! You don't get it! I'm 19, you can't control me anymore!" I yelled, running upstairs to my room. 'We won't be going on anymore dates soon' I texted Minho, laying in my bed silently. 'Why not? :(' He replied. 'Dad says your too old for me. And I can't see anymore.' I said. There was no reply, making me a little bit more sad. I sat in my bed quietly for about thirty minutes. Then, suddenly, I heard pebbles hitting my window. "Minho?" I whispered, looking down from my window to see him. "Pack your things. We'll leave. Just for a few days," He smiled, pointing to his car. "Okay, give me a minute," I beamed, quietly packing a few random outfits and pulling my boots on. "I'll be right down," I muttered, going to my bedroom door and peeking out. My parent's door was closed with the lights on, so I'm assuming they were in there. I tiptoed out of my room and down the stairs, keeping as quiet as possible. I ran out the front door, closing it gently. "Drive." We jumped into his car and drove off. "Can I turn the radio on?" I asked. "Of course," He nodded, smiling. I clicked the radio on and smiled when 'Rebel Love Song by Black Veil Brides' started playing. "Our song," Minho whispered, kissing my cheek quickly.

Gally: The World Is Ugly by My Chemical Romance

I opened my locker slowly, not really wanting to see what was inside. Recently, people at my school had been slipping mean notes into my locker for me to read. It'd been going on for about three months now. I watched as about eleven notes fell from my locker and onto the floor when I opened it. I sighed and opened one. I read the first word and a tear came to my eye. "Whatever," I muttered to myself, picking them all up and tossing them into a nearby trash can. I took out what I needed for my homework and shut my locker. I pulled my earbuds and phone from my pocket, beginning to listen to The World Is Ugly by My Chemical Romance. I walked with my eyes on my feet, hoping to not be noticed by anyone possibly passing by. I gasped as I bumped into someone, my earbuds coming out of my phone and the song began blaring through the hallway. "I'm so sorry, I'm really clumsy," I sighed, picking up my dropped papers. "You're fine. Hey, you're Y/N, right?" The boy I'd bumped into asked. "Um, yes, how'd you know?" I asked shyly. "I know the guys who've been putting notes in your locker. I got onto them about it today, you won't have to worry about it anymore," He smiled at me warmly. "Wow, thanks," I grinned, my cheeks heating up. "Oh, and, the world is ugly, but your beautiful to me," He quoted the song that was still echoing in the hall, making me laugh as he walked away. "Our song," I muttered, smiling to myself as I continued walking. (A/N: Just incase you didn't really understand, by saying that the world is ugly, he meant like society, but she's beautiful. Just clearing that up cause it could be confusing)

Sorry if you don't know/like these songs, I have very different music tastes than other people I know. But if you don't know these songs, I do highly recommend them :)

QOTD: Top 5 favorite bands/artists?

AOTD: Panic! at the Disco, My Chemical Romance, Bowling For Soup, Falling In Reverse, and All Time Low

Okay much love to all you lovely penguin people! <3

Stay happy not crappy, life's a bitch don't quit (Yes, I stole that from Johnnie Guilbert shhhhhh)

~Callie <3

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