Newt Imagine for Audrey

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A/N: okay, so this is the first real smut that I've ever written so please don't hate me if its not the best, I'm trying ❤️

"Why don't you like her, love?" Newt asked me, sitting next to me on my raggedy old mattress.

"Because, I liked being the only girl. Now everyone's paying attention to Teresa!" I groaned in annoyance and sorrow. I wasn't lying. I was jealous of the attention the new girl was getting.

"She can't replace you baby, we all love you!" He laughed loudly and wrapped a tight arm around me, "I mean, I love you the most, but, you know."

I chuckled lightly and placed my head on his shoulder, sighing ever so slightly.

"Newticus?" I asked him hesitantly. I knew that what I was about to ask was odd, but in a relationship like mine and Newt's, it was quite normal.

"Yes love?" He looked at me, awaiting an answer.

I didn't say anything, I merely gestures to between my legs and he smirked.

"Want me to show you how much sexier you are than the new girl, baby?" He whispered huskily in my ear, his teeth grazing my earlobe.

"Please Newt," I whispered back, but it came out more like a moan.

Newt slowly push my back onto the mattress, and had my shirt off in no time.

He kissed me roughly, but passionately. It was fast too, almost so fast that I couldn't keep up. His tongue trailed down my neck, until it met my cleavage.

He didn't look up at me like permission like most boys would, because he knows that my answer is always yes, so he takes off my bra hastily and takes my left breast in his hand, while he sucks on my right one.

I'm whimpering and moaning his name, my hands getting lost in his gorgeously disheveled blonde hair.

He loops his fingers in my belt loops and pushes my jeans down slowly. Almost painfully slowly.

He rubs my soaked panties and I squeal under his touch.

Newt is still fully clothed, which bothered me extremely, so I pulled his shirt off roughly.

"You ready for this, baby girl?" He smirked and lowered his head between my legs. I merely whimpered in response and he pulled my panties down.

His tongue entered me quickly, not wasting a moment of this precious time. I moan his name multiple times and he moans into my core, making me scream.

"Fuck Audrey, scream my name. Let the whole Glade know what we're up to," His voice was drained of sarcasm and I continued to scream his name.

His tongue brushed against my G-spot and that sent me soaring over the edge.

"Newt! Yes baby!" I screamed loudly, and he lifted his head from my core, licking cum off of his face.

"You're so hot, you know that? The bloody new girl can shuck herself if she thinks she has anything on you."

❤️❤️❤️❤️ Again, sorry if it wasn't as good as other smut authors 😂😂 but this is my first try and I'll get better, don't worry 😝😉😉😉😉

Love y'all ❤️❤️❤️💜💓💗💙💚

QOTD: What's your favorite song at the moment?

AOTD: Probably Just Saying by 5SOS ❤️❤️❤️

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