Unwanted reunion

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Chris POV

High school!
I actually enjoyed my experience, it was fun and I was a jock and pretty popular. I mean I wasn't the nicest of guys, but I did enjoy high school.
I was In town so I decided to go to the reunion, i dragged Scott along with me because I didn't want to go alone.
When we walked in I saw Abigail, an ex girlfriend, also the head cheerleader. As soon as she saw me she was smiling, I went to the table for my name label and said hello.
"Oh Chris, I'm so glad your here. I was looking forward to seeing you. You got hotter over these last 10 years."
Oh god here we go the flirting
"Thanks Abigail, you look great"
"Oh bless Chrissy call me Abby like the good old days"
"Hmmm" I looked at Scott and he was trying his hardest not to laugh. I pushed him towards the bar.
"Oh my god! You dated that girl?"
"Yes I did, now do you realise why I never bought her home to mum"
"I really do" he was laughing so loud.
It was kind of cool to be back here, looking around seeing everyone. It was nice to be home and treated some what normal, apart from girls like Abigail who I knew would be all over me because I'm the big movie star.
As we stood chatting, I hear someone tap the mic
"Hello reunion"
We all shout hello back
"Tonight we are lucky to have an amazing singer here with us, she has been touring all over and she agreed to come back here to sing for us. Please welcome to the stage Carrie Anderson"
Every applauded, I knew that name from somewhere, she came on the stage and she was beautiful, her dress was gorgeous.
"Do you remember her?"
"No I don't, I don't ever remember anyone called Carrie"
"That's because her name is Lacey, she just goes by Carrie for the stage" Abigail was right behind me.
"You remember Lacey right Chris, the one you humiliated at prom?"
"Oh god! That's her. She looks so different"
"Yeah but I'm sure she is still the same girl inside"
I just walked away closer to the stage, Abigail was still a bitch.
Lacey started talking "hey guys, it's nice to be home, I'm going to do a couple of songs tonight so hope you enjoy."
She sang a song called before he cheats and then another called cowboy casonova.
She sounded amazing. After a short break she came back on stage and started singing another song, one I recognised.

Lacey POV

I got a quick drink and went back on stage and grabbed my guitar.

This song was called heartbeat and it was one of my favourites to sing

'I love it when we're at a party in a down-town crowd
Oh but I can hear you call me baby with the music up loud
Red wine, good times, no I don't mind being with everyone else
And then there's night life tonight that I, I want you to myself
And tonight I wanna drive so far we'll only find static on the radio
And we can't see those city lights and I love the way you look in a firefly glow
Saying everything without making a sound,
A cricket choir in the background, underneath a harvest moon
Standing on your shoes in my bare feet, dancing to the rhythm of your heartbeat
Oh woah, and we're dancing to the rhythm of your heartbeat
I wanna feel it like a kick drum, beating faster in your chest
I wanna feel you holding onto me and make me hold my breath
You pull me closer, my head on your shoulder, baby we won't beat the song
We'll make a fallen star wish, one more slow kiss, what are we waiting on?
And tonight I wanna drive so far we'll only find static on the radio
And we can't see those city lights and I love the way you look in a firefly glow
Saying everything without making a sound,
A cricket choir in the background, underneath a harvest moon
Standing on your shoes in my bare feet, dancing to the rhythm of your heartbeat
Yeah we're dancing to the rhythm of your heartbeat
I wanna feel it like a kick drum, beating faster in your chest
And tonight I wanna drive so far we'll only find static on the radio
And we can't see those city lights and I love the way you look in a firefly glow
Saying everything without making a sound,
A river rolling in the background, underneath a harvest moon
Standing on your shoes in my bare feet, dancing to the rhythm of your heartbeat
And we're dancing to the rhythm of your heartbeat'

Once I had finished I bowed and everyone applauded, as I looked out I saw Chris staring at me and he was clapping too. I got off stage and went straight to Stacey
"That was amazing lace"
"Thank you, I need a drink" as we walk to the bar, I hear a male voice behind me
"Let me get this for you?" I turn around and it's none other then Chris Evans stood offering to buy me a drink.
"No thanks. I can get it myself"
"It's no trouble, you sounded amazing up there, heartbeat is actually one of my favourite songs"
"What a coincidence"
I stood and grabbed my drink and paid before Chris could "well nice to see you again" I went to walk away but he pulled my arm back
"Wait Lacey"
"I'm surprised you even remembered my name, what was it used to call me chubster and wibble wobble oh and my favourite one of all yo whale"
"Look, that was a lifetime ago and I'm sorry, that's not who I am now"
"Well I'm sorry too. You may be this big time star now but to me you all always be the guy who completely humiliated me in front of our entire school. Goodbye Christopher"
I walked away, I didn't care who he was now, he was an absolute ass to me and I wasn't going to forgive him just because he was now a celebrity. I had my pride and I'd planned on keeping it.

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