1 week later

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Chris POV

It had been 1 week since I last saw Lacey, she kind of avoided me after our kiss and she hasn't been available to talk this week. I tried calling and texting but she just kept saying she was busy and would get back to me.
I think she was regretting the kiss, but she kissed me so she must have wanted too. Right?
I was sat at home just scrolling through my phone when it rang. It was Lily.
"Hey lily, you okay?"
"No. Chris. Lacey is crying a lot, she has locked herself in her room and I don't know why. I'm worried!"
"Okay. I'm coming over"
"Thank you"

I grabbed my car keys and headed on over, I got to the door and lily answered. She gave me a big hug. She was crying too.
"Lily what's going on?"
"I don't know, she got a phone call yesterday and then she locked her self away and hasn't come out since. She has been crying all night. I heard her. Chris I'm worried"
"Ok, Where is Stacey?"
"She has gone away on holiday not coming back for another week"
"Okay, stay here and I'll see if she will open the door for me"
I walk upstairs and knock on Lacey's door, she doesn't say anything.
"Lace, it's Chris. Open the door please"
"Go away Chris!"
"Not happening"
I hear her walk towards the door. She unlocks the door and she walks away. I slowly open the door and I can see her on her bed. She is curled in a ball. She is crying. I walk over to her and kneel down so I can see her face.
"Hey beautiful. What's going on? You got lily worried?"
"I didn't mean to worry her."
"What happened lace?"
She just shakes her head and starts sobbing more, I stand up and take my jacket off and get on the bed, she shuffles over and I lay next to her. I lift my arm up and she lays on my chest, I wrap my arm around her and pull her close. She cry's into my chest, I can feel her tears soaking my shirt. She is gripping my shirt so tightly.
I hold her tight and run my hand through her hair. I don't know how long we are there but eventually she falls asleep.
Lily knocks on the door and looks at us on the bed. She whispers "is she okay?"
"I don't know, but let's just let her sleep okay"
"Okay. Chris don't leave her please"
She smiles at me and walks back out and closes the door. Lacey shifts slightly but still stays on my chest and grips me tightly.
I don't know what has happened but whatever it is. It's hurt Lacey and I need to find out what's going on.

Lacey POV

I wake up, I realise I'm lay on something hard. I slowly move and I see Chris's face. He looks even more handsome in his sleep.
I rub my hand against his stubble and slowly reach up to kiss him. I plant a soft kiss on his lips. He smiles.
"Good morning"
"Good morning" he cups my cheek and pulls me in for another kiss. It's a sweet and sensual kiss. Gentle and delicate.
"You didn't have to come here last night but I'm glad you did"
"Me too. Ready to talk about it?"
"I don't know" I snuggled into him more. And he hugged me tightly.
"Ok. I'm not going to push. Just know I'm here when you need to talk okay"
"Thank you" I whisper.
"You hungry?"
"Come on. I'm treating you and lily to breakfast"
"You don't have to do that"
"I know I don't" he kissed me again and left the room so I could get dressed.
I walk out of the room and into the kitchen. Lily comes running over to me and hugs me tightly. I hug her back.
"I'm sorry lily, I didn't mean to worry you"
"It's okay. I just want you to be okay."
"I will be. And I promise I'll explain everything just not yet okay"
"Okay" she finally lets me out of the hug and we all go to breakfast.
We have a nice morning together, once we are done with breakfast. Lily has to go to college and do some last minute things.
So it's just me and Chris, we go on a walk. He slips his hand into mine. It makes me smile.
We walk for a while before we say anything.
"So...you don't regret the kiss then?"
I laugh "No of course not"
"You sure? You've kind of been avoiding me"
"I know. I'm sorry. I just didn't know what it meant. I spent so long hating you and now.."
"Now what?"
"Now all I can think about is kissing you"
He stops and pulls me to him "that's not a bad thing is it?"
I giggle "No, it's not bad"
He leans down and kisses me. Soft again.
We walk around for a while longer and then we head to Chris's. He wants to make me lunch.
His house is lovely.
"Make yourself at home" he says.
I walk into his living room and it's so cosy in there. I sit on the sofa when he brings me a drink.
"Your house is lovely"
"Thank you"
I put my drink on the coffee table and so does he. He looks at me, stares me right in the eye and he leans in. He kisses me, but this time it's more passionately then before. I put my hands on the nap of his neck and pull him in.
The kiss gets more and more heated. I end up straddling him and grinding on him. He moans as I push down on him. I can feel him underneath me. He pulls away "you have to stop doing it. Otherwise I want be able to stop"
I moan "hmmm maybe I don't want you too"
He groans and kisses me again. In one swift motion, he picks me up and carries me to his room. He lies me on the bed, and gets on top of me.
"Are you sure?"
I remove his shirt and he removes mine. He slowly strokes down my chest and stomach
"God! Your beautiful"
I smile and bite my lip, he comes back down to my lips and kisses me again. He starts to undo my jeans and pushes them down. I'm lay there in just my underwear. Thank god I wore nice underwear today.
He stands up and removes his jeans and boxers.
Wow!! He is big.
He gets back on top of me and a slowly removes my pants and bra. He is settled between my legs and he looks at me, a look that is asking my permission. I nod.
He pushes into me slowly. I moan out loud.
We spend the rest of the afternoon, lost in each other. It's slow and sexy and sweet. Everything I ever wanted sex to be.
I think it's safe to say I'm falling for Chris. And I'm falling fast.

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