Song writing

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Lacey POV

A week had gone by since the drama that had happened. Lily was okay, she moved on and was smiling again. I was mostly embarrassed because of my outburst in front of Chris. He knew one of my biggest secrets now and I still don't know why I told him, I just felt like in that moment I could trust him. He helped me so much that night and I was so grateful.
I was just walking out of the small cafe, I was looking at my phone as always and I bumped right into someone. As I looked up I saw those piercing blue eyes.
"Oh hey, sorry not looking where I was going"
"No worries, how are you?"
"I'm good thank you you?"
"I'm all good thanks, just fancied a coffee"
"Yeah me too, pulling out all the stops so I can finally right this last song"
"Having trouble?"
"Yeah, I have the tune just no words yet"
"That sucks, I mean I don't know much about song writing but I think words are essential right?"
I laughed "yes Evans they are"
He laughed too "how's lily?"
"She is okay, moving on. Doing great at college. She is actually out buying materials at the moment for a dress she has to make"
"Wow! Okay that sounds complicated"
"Yep! But she has somehow managed to rope
Me into wearing it for her" why was I telling him all of this. He is Chris Evans. The guy who taunted me for years.
"Really? Where are you going to wear it?"
"Erm....the Christopher haven charity ball, they have asked me to come along and sing for them"
"No way! I'm going too, I'm actually an ambassador for them"
"I know yeah. Erm.... Joyce mentioned it"
"Oh right"
We kind of awkwardly stood there for a little bit. Until Chris spoke
"Well why don't we go together?"
"Well we could both go to the ball? Together?"
"I don't know Chris"
"Do you have a date?"
"No not yet"
"Well then be mine? Just a friend date of course"
"Fine you and your worst enemy date how about that?"
I laughed "okay"
"Okay really?"
"Yes. Don't make me change my mind"
He smiled "okay then."
"Well I better head off I've got a lot of work ahead of me"
"Well why don't I come and help?"
"You? Help me?"
"Yeah, I'm some what musical maybe I could help"
"You don't have to do that Chris, I wouldn't want to take up any of your time"
"You wouldn't be, got nothing to do today so......if you want me to of course, completely understand if you don't"
"No! Company would be nice. On one condition"
"What's that?"
"You have to go buy a dozen doughnuts"
"Alright I can do that"
"Okay, I'll meet you at the car then"

He walked off and I got into my car, what was I doing. Why did I say yes? Am I completely insane?

Chris's POV

She said okay, she actually said okay to being my date and for me to go help her. I was shocked.
I went to the doughnut store and grabbed a dozen of different types of doughnuts. I made my way back to her car and got in. She drove to her house and we walked in.
I set the doughnuts on the kitchen counter and I put my coat on the hook by the door.
"Make your self at home, I'll be back in a minute" Lacey shouted to me
"Okay" I shouted back
I walked around and saw lots of musical instruments, there was music sheets everywhere, she had a lot of records on her shelves too.
When I walked around her living area she had some photos up, mostly of lily from over the years. Then I came across a photo that looked like Lacey. She was a little girl, maybe about 5 and she was stood next to an older man. I don't know if that was maybe her dad.
I heard her coming back down the stairs and she walked in the living room in sweatpants and a hoodie.
"I like to be comfy when I'm writing"
"Of course, you still look beautiful"
I saw her blush slightly at my words "thanks, shall we?"
We sat at the piano and she played the tune for
Me, it was pretty upbeat.
"I have the words good girl in my head but I don't know how to work it"
I picked up her guitar and played the tune she just played.
"I didn't know you played Evans?"
"I'm full of surprises" she laughed at me
"It's sounds better on guitar, play that again"
I played it again, she made her way to her drum set and started playing. It actually sounded pretty good together.
"That's sounds good. But still no words ggggrrrrr"
"Did you just ggggrrrr?" I asked laughing
She smiled "yes Evans I did"
I got up and sat at the piano, I started playing some funny music and she was laughing her head off. I was singing silly songs and just messing around.
"We aren't going to get much done if you keep doing that"
"I know but maybe you just need to chill out a bit and the words will come to you. I get my phone out and start playing some music, it's Michael bubble sway. I take her hand and pull her up to dance
"You know how to do this dance?" She asks me
I laugh "of course I do" and with that I take the lead and start to move around the living room. She is a really good dancer and she definitely has the moves, she is smiling as I spin her around.
Just as the song is about to end, I brush some hair out of her face and tuck it behind her ear. She blushes again. I cup her cheek and lean in...before our lips meet, lily comes through the door making us jump apart.
"Oh hey cap, what are you doing here?"
"Just helping you sister out"
"Oh okay, hey strawberry lace" she said hugging her sister
"Hey pine cone, you get what you needed today?"
"Yeah look at this" she pulls out the most beautiful blue fabric.
"Wow lily that's nice"
"I know right. Lacey is going to look phenomenal in this dress I can promise you that"
I laughed and Lacey just rolled her eyes.
Lily skipped upstairs and me and Lacey just went back to figuring out words for the song. We didn't say anything about the near kiss. I wanted to kiss her. I think she wanted to kiss me too.

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