Charity ball

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Lacey POV

It was the Christopher Haven ball tonight and I was just getting ready. My hair and make up were done and I was just about to put my dress on when my phone went off.
"Hey Lacey it's Chris"
"Oh hey" I hadn't spoken to him for a few days since our almost kiss. I didn't know what it meant. I didn't even know if I wanted to kiss him. I was so confused.
"What time am I picking you up?"
"Oh you still want to go together?"
"Yeah. I thought that was the plan?"
"Yeah of course.'s starts at 7 so why not come here around 6:30?"
"Okay then so I'll see you in about an hour"
I hung up. God what was I doing. Chris Evans. A date. An almost kiss. Why?
I finished getting ready, lily made me a beautiful dress. It was a long length dress, thigh high split, one shoulder, fit all my curves in the right places. It was beautiful.
She had to take some pictures of me in it for her last project, so I went down and we did a little photoshoot. It was kind of fun to be honest.
We were giggling and messing around.
Lily looked stunning in a black long length dress, very similar to mine. She actually made her dress too. She looked incredible. As we were messing around and taking photos the door buzzed. I went over and opened it.
Chris was stood there, he looked so handsome in his suit. And he matched his tie with my dress.
"Thank you. You look very handsome"
"Thank you" I saw him keep looking me up and down.
I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks.
Lily came over "hello handsome cap"
"Hello lily, you look beautiful"
"Thank you. We should probably get going"
"Okay let's head out"
I locked up and made my way out side. There was a limo waiting for us.
"I thought you were driving?"
"Well I thought why not arrive in style and that way I can have a drink too"
"Okay Evans let's go"
We got into the limo and it was beautiful inside. As we pulled up outside the venue, there was paparazzi everywhere and they all started snapping as soon as me and chris got out of the car. I kept lily close and walked into the building. I never was one for the paparazzi. They were a nightmare.
Chris wasn't far behind us and we walked to the bar to get a drink.
"What you having?"
"Whiskey please neat"
"Make that 2 please. Lily?"
"I'll have a whiskey"
I looked over at her "yeah I don't think so. Your under age"
"Fine. A coke please"
Chris laughed and ordered the drinks. I downed my whiskey pretty quickly. Chris looked over at me shocked "wow"
"Sorry. I get really nervous before I preform"
"No it's okay. I get it"
I saw Lisa walking Over to us "hello darlings"
"Hello Lisa, you look beautiful"
"Thank you sweetie, so do you. That dress is amazing"
"Lily made it"
"Wow. You have some talent little one"
"Thank you Lisa"
We all made some small talk and had a few more drinks. It was a good night and everyone was having fun.
It was my turn to take the stage.
I sat down at my piano and started playing some
Of my older songs, people where slow dancing with there partners and enjoy the music.
Then I decided to sing my new song, perfect place to get a reaction from the crowd. I called Chris up on stage and he looked so confused.
"Play the guitar like you did at my house"
"Erm...okay" he sat and grabbed the guitar. Lily came and sat up at the drums. I told her my plan and she had been practicing the drum beat.
I was on piano with the mic.
"Okay ladies and gentlemen this is a new song, Chris here helped me write. It's a bit more of an upbeat song so please feel free to dance. I hope you enjoy"

Hey, good girl (hey, good girl)
With your head in the clouds
I bet you I can tell you, what you're thinkin' about
You'll see a good boy (you see a good boy)
Gonna give you the world
But he's gonna leave you cryin'
With your heart in the dirt
His lips are dripping honey
But he'll sting you like a bee
So lock up all your loving
Go and throw away the key
Hey, good girl (hey, good girl)
Get out while you can
I know you think you got a good man
Why, why you gotta be so blind?
Won't you open up your eyes?
It's just a matter of time 'til you find
He's no good, girl
No good for you
You better get to getting on your goodbye shoes and go, go, go
Better listen to me, he's low, low, low
Hey, good girl (hey, good girl)
You got a heart of gold
You want a white wedding
And a hand you can hold
Just like you should, girl (just like you should, girl)
Like every good girl does
Want a fairytale ending, somebody to love
But he's really good at lying
Yeah, he'll leave you in the dust
'Cause when he says forever
Well, it don't mean much
Hey, good girl (hey, good girl)
So good for him
Better back away honey
You don't know where he's been
Why, why you gotta be so blind?
Won't you open up your eyes?
It's just a matter of time 'til you find
He's no good, girl
No good for you
You better get to getting on your goodbye shoes and go, go, go
Yeah yeah yeah, he's low...
Yeah yeah yeah...
Oh, he's no good, girl
Why can't you see?
He'll take your heart and break it
Listen to me, yeah
Why, why you gotta be so blind?
Won't you open up your eyes?
It's just a matter of time 'til you find
He's no good, he's no good
Won't you open up your eyes?
It's just a matter of time 'til you find
He's no good, girl
No good for you
You better get to getting on your goodbye shoes

Everyone was applauding and whistling at the song, me, Chris and lily stood up and bowed and walked off the stage. Lily ran over to her friends leaving me and Chris on our own
"That was amazing" Chris said to me
"Yeah it was, thank you, sorry for putting you on the spot like that"
"No please don't apologise, that was so much fun"
"I'm glad you enjoyed it chris" I went to walk out but he pulled me back. He cupped my cheek and leaned in, I felt myself leaning in too. Just before our lips met I pulled back.
"I'm sorry Chris, I can't"
"Oh I thought?"
"Look Ive enjoyed spending time with you and getting to know the new you but in the back of my head you'll always be that guy who taunted me for years. I'm sorry"
"No I'm sorry Lacey. That night, I should have done something and I didn't and that's on me. But I swear to you I never locked you in there and it wasn't my idea. I didn't even want anything to do with it. I told them to leave you alone. I swear Lacey."
I look up at him and I'm staring in his eyes, I can tell he is telling the truth.
"You let me blame you for all these years"
"Yeah well I should have done something to help you that night and I didn't. I stood back. So I deserved the blame"
"Chris?  Why are telling me this?"
"Because I've gotten to know you and I like you Lacey. But I know you still hate me for that night and that's okay"
He starts to walk off "Chris? Wait"
Before I even think I put my hand on the nape of his neck and pull him in. Our lips meet and it's like fireworks. It's like no kiss I have ever had before.
He pulls me in closer, wrapping his arms around me. This moment right now. I'm the happiest I've been in a long time.

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