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Chris POV

"Ouch! Okay she is seriously pissed at you, what did you do to her?"
I hung my head down, I wasn't proud of how I treated Lacey at all in high school, I wasn't proud of how I treated most people, but I probably did the worst thing I could ever do to her.
"Let's just say I was a dickhead to her in so many ways"
Scott just looked at me and shook his head "why were you such a dick in school?"
"I don't know, hung out with the wrong crowd I guess"
"I would say so"
We carried on mingling in the crowd of people but I couldn't stop my mind from thinking about Lacey, I had been so horrible to her and I didn't think she would ever forgive me but I really wanted her too.
It was getting late, so me and Scott decided to leave, I was sick of Abigail following me everywhere and everyone asking me for photos or autographs. I was so tired and I just wanted to pass out.
As we left the hall. I saw Lacey struggling to hold her friend up, I think her name was Stacey, me and Scott walked over.
"Hey, do you need some help?"
Lacey turned to look at me, anger in her eyes as soon as she saw me "no thank you, I've got her"
As she was telling me no, Stacey fell forward, I caught her and then she threw up all over my shoes. Lacey started to giggle, I looked up at her quirking my eyebrow. Stacey lifted her head up and smiled "whoops.....sssosooorrreuyy"
I could tell Lacey was struggling so this time I didn't take no for an answer I took Stacey from her and held her up. "How you getting home?"
"Erm....my driver was supposed to be picking us up but he isn't here yet"
"Look, my brother hasn't been drinking so we can give you a lift if you want"
She looked at me "No it's okay I'll just wait" just as she finished talking Stacey proceeded to be sick even more on the side walk. I looked at Lacey and sighed "look I know you hate me but your friend really needs to get home and we can take you so just get in"
"Fine" she helped me walk Stacey to the car and I popped her in the passenger seat, with a bucket in her lap. She was practically passed out anyway.
"How did she get this drunk?"
"Andrews he started mixing her these drinks and she was downing them"
"He always was one for getting the girls drunk" I laughed
"Yeah, he is a dick"
"Yeah I guess he is" I looked over at her and I swear I saw a smile on her face.
She gave Scott her address and we pulled up to this beautiful house, it was so big and had a gate around it, she put in the pin and we drove up.
I helped her get Lacey out of the car and into the house, as we walked into the living area, there was a young girl on the sofa with a young man hoovering over her, it looked like they were making out
"Shit!!! Lacey what are doing here?"
"I live here dip shit and who's this?"
"This is Peter he is my boyfriend"
"Hi Peter nice to meet you, could you kindly get off my sister and go home, it's getting late"
Ouch! She was a tough nut.
"Yes of course sorry Mrs Anderson"
"It's Miss and just call me Lacey"
"Okay, bye lily I'll call you tomorrow"
As he ran out he looked at me, I think he recognised me but didn't say anything. I still had Stacey in my arms
"Erm....where am I putting her!"
"Oh Erm....follow me"
She headed up the stairs to a spare room and I placed Stacey on the bed, Lacey but a sick bowl next to her head and covered her with a blanket. We headed on back down "thank you"
"Sorry what was that?"
She glared at me "I said thank you, for the lift and for helping get her back"
I smiled "no problem"
Her sister came walking over to us "your captain America" I laughed "yes I am, only 6 months out of the year" she laughed and so did Lacey much to my amusement.
"Strawberry lace, you didn't tell me you were friends with Captain America?"
Lacey looked at me "we aren't friends, just went to high school together"
I sighed, I thought I was beginning to thaw the ice a little but I guess not.
"Anyway Chris thank you again. I guess this is goodbye"
"Maybe not?"
"What do you mean?"
"I'm staying in town for a while, so maybe I'll see you around"
"She is singing at a charity event at the theatre on the weekend, you should come"
"Shut up lily"
"What theatre?"
"Concord youth theatre"
"No way my mum runs that"
Lacey sighs "yes I know, she asked me to do it"
I laughed and so did lily "small world, so I guess I'll see you on the weekend then"
"Yeah I guess so"
"Good night Lacey, goodnight lily"
"Goodnight chris"
"Goodnight cap"
I laughed at Lily's name for me, I smirked and winked at them and headed back to the car where Scott was waiting.
"What took you so long?"
"Just small talk, I think I'm starting to defrost her a bit"
"I doubt that, you have to tell me what you did to that poor girl"
"One day maybe"

I couldn't even begin to tell him what I did to her. It was probably the worst thing I could have done to anyone.

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