1 year later

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Lacey POV

It had been a whole year of dating Chris Evans. We were doing amazingly. We had moved in together, which was a pretty big step but we felt it was right. Lily had moved out she was 20 now and wanted her own space. She was doing amazing at her job and she was loving being an adult.
My music was also going well, I had won a few awards for a couple of my songs and I had done a few performances on some award shows.
Chris had finished filming his current project and we were going to be taking some time off, we were going on vacation together and I couldn't wait.
Stacey was still happily married, she was actually expecting her first child, she was about 2 months away from having her and I was so excited. She was going to be such an amazing mum and I couldn't wait to be the cool auntie. Even though lily said that I could never be cool which I think was totally uncalled for.
I was just finishing packing up when my phone rang.
"Hey baby"
"Hey beautiful, I'm just leaving now do you want me to pick up dinner?"
"Ooo yes please"
"What are you fancying?"
"I'm kinda craving in and out to be honest"
"Okay, usual order?"
"Okay be home soon. Love you"
"Love you too"
We hung up and I carried on packing the bags, I wanted to get it done so I wasn't panicking that I had forgotten anything.
I was rushing around a lot and I felt really dizzy all of sudden. I sat on the end of the bed and let it pass. I then for that really uncomfortable feeling in my stomach, I ran to the toilet and threw up. Once I finally finished I sat on the cold tiles and just breathed. I crossed my arms and my boobs felt sore. Oh God! Dizzy spells, sore boobs and throwing up! Please tell me I'm not pregnant. I call Stacey quickly and ask if she has any pregnancy tests, she freaks out on the phone and gets extremely excited. I have to calm her down before she goes into labour. She said she would bring one round. I told her to hurry.
Stacey moved into a house not far from us, so she was with me within 5 minutes.
I took the test and sat and waited. 3 minutes. 3 minutes and my life could change forever.
My buzzer went off and I was too scared to look. "Stacey you look"
She picked up the test and squealed "your pregnant"
I didn't know what to do, I was crying and smiling so I must be happy. Omg I was going to have Chris's baby. She wrapped me in a hug and squealed some more.
I heard the front door open "baby, I'm home and I have food"
"Be right down"
"How are you going to tell him?"
"I don't know"
We walked down the stairs and Chris saw Stacey "oh hey stace. Didn't realise you were here." He walked over and gave her a hug and put his hand on her stomach "how's the little one cooking?"
"She is good, getting big now"
"I can imagine"
"Anyway I'm going to leave you guys too it, I'll speak to you soon Lacey"
She walked out of the house and Chris looked at me "everything okay?"
"Yeah. All good"
"Okay, let's eat"
After a few mouthfuls I felt myself needing to throw up again. I ran to the bathroom Chris not far behind me. He held my hair back and rubbed my back.
"Baby are you okay?"
"Hmmm I'm fine"
I got up and brushed my teeth and wiped my mouth, Chris handed me a glass of water.
"Are you sick?"
"Kind of"
"Kind of? Lace what does that mean?"
He came over and hugged me tight I winced at the pressure on my boobs. He looked down at me with a lifted eyebrow.
"Lacey what's going on? Are your boobs sore?"
"Little bit"
"Sore boobs, throwing up? Are you pregnant?"
"Well. It terms of me growing a tiny human inside my stomach then yes I'm pregnant"
He stood there for a while, no expression nothing. I didn't know what to do, he wasn't happy. Oh god the man I love wasn't happy I was having his baby. What was I going to do?
He finally spoke "are you okay?"
"I'm fine are you?"
"Yeah. I mean it's a shock"
I sat on the end of the bed, he wasn't happy. I had a tear roll down my cheek, I wiped it away hoping he wouldn't notice but of course he did.
"Lacey, what's wrong?"
"Your not happy about this are you?"
"Oh baby"
"No it's okay Chris. This is so fast and I get it, it's okay. Don't worry"
"Hang on...."
"No it's fine honestly.....you can leave it's okay I don't expect you to stick around."
"What? Lacey do you really think I would walk out on you?"
"You shouldn't have to stay just because I'm pregnant"
"No I shouldn't but I'm staying because I love you and I'm so excited to have this baby with you"
"Wait? You are?"
"Yes of course" he cups my face so I'm looking at him.
"I love you, and this baby is going to be amazing"
"I just thought.....you were so quiet.....I didn't think"
"I'm in shock baby. But I'm happy. I promise I'm happy"
He picked me up and spun me around, I squealed. "I'm going to be a daddy!"
I laughed "yes you are baby"
We stayed cuddled together, lightly swaying. Was I really getting my happily ever after? And was it really with someone who used to me my worst enemy? My life had certainly changed.

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