Mothers touch

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Lacey POV

After the theatre fundraiser, I had tweeted out to all of my fans about how amazing the theatre was and how it would be incredible to try and raise more money. What I didn't expect was my fans to come together and make a go fund me page in honour of me. They raised over $50,000 for the theatre I couldn't believe it.
I was going over to Lisa's today to give her the check for the money. And I know she was going to be speechless.
As I arrived at her house, I grabbed some cupcakes I had made and walked to the door.
Every now and then when I was in town me and Lisa would meet either here or at my house, we would have coffee and cupcakes and talk about the theatre.
I knocked on the door and as It swung open, he was stood there with a confused look on his face.
"Lacey, what you doing at my mums house?"
"Chris. I came to give your mom something and to bring these" I handed him the box of cupcakes and he opened them.
"They look yummy, did you make them?"
"I did. Is your mum here?"
"Yeah of course, come on in"
I walked in and made my way to the kitchen, Lisa was stood making a coffee. She turned around as I entered the kitchen.
"Lacey, darling what are you doing here?"
"I bought you some cupcakes and a gift"
"A gift? Christopher hand those cupcakes over, you are not eating them all"
He placed them on the kitchen side and backed away. I couldn't help but giggle slightly at how he was told off by his mum.
He looked at me and smirked.
"Yes, a gift, here" I handed her an envelope and she looked at it very confused
"Open it"
As she opened it, she held the check and looked up at me. Her eyes were filled with tears
"OMG! Lacey I can't except this"
"Yes you can, my fans raised that money for the theatre"
She came and hugged me, not a normal hug. I would imagine this hug would be what it felt like to hugged by a mother. She was crying and squeezing me tightly. I could feel myself welling up, so I pushed back slightly and tried my hardest to hold back the tears.
"Well I just wanted to bring that. I'm going to head off I need to get back to lily"
"No stay, you bought these cupcakes and I've made coffee"
I looked up at Chris who was staring at me, it looked like he was worried.
"No it's okay, you have company, so I'm going to go. I'll see you soon Lisa. Bye Chris"
"Bye Lacey"
"Bye honey, drive careful"
When I got In my car I couldn't help but cry, Lisa had always treated me and lily like family and it just made me sad that I didn't have a mother like her growing up. I drove home and spent sometime with my sister.

Chris POV

"What was that about?"
Mum sighed "I think it was me hugging her"
"Why would she get upset over a hug?"
"Chris, there is a lot you don't know about that girl"
"Like what? Everyone keeps telling me that but no one explains anything"
"Let's just say her mother was never born to be a mum, she made it very clear to Lacey that she was never wanted. She called her ugly, fat, disgusting and even went about humiliating her wherever she went. Her mother was a horrible person. Her dad left her when she was little.
She had no one. Her mother would lock her in cupboards and kick her out of the house at stupid o'clock in the morning, whenever she wanted adult time with male visitors"
"Wow, I didn't know that."
"Yeah well Lacey basically bought herself up, then her mother got pregnant again and had lily and Lacey bought her up too. Lacey was working 5 jobs at one point and going to college just so she could save up to get her and lily out of that place. And she did, she worked her butt off to make sure her sister had anything she wanted. When they moved out of her mothers, she didn't even say anything she just slammed the door once they left. Lacey has been Lily's rock ever since and everything she does is to protect that little girl, when things were finally looking up for her. She was doing great with her music and she met a guy, he promised her the world. Until he got drunk and hit her. Lacey got pretty badly injured and she spent the whole time shielding lily to protect her. Eventually she managed to get away from him and moved to her house now. She had saved all the money she had earned from her first album and bought a house and made it a home"
I didn't know what to say, I had no idea Lacey had been through so much. And it made me angry to know a man had put his hands on her like that. I felt weirdly protective over her.
"Chris, I don't know what you did her in high school not all of it and I'm not proud of you for ever being that way. But your a changed man and I think Lacey could benefit from having you in her life"
"That's the thing mum, what happened that night wasn't my fault. She just thinks it was"
"What do you mean?"
"The guys wanted to play a trick on her, so Ryan asked her to prom. They said they were going to drive passed her house and egg her. I told em I wasn't interested. Next minute I know they are pulling up outside here, I got in the limo and we drove to school, when we got there I walked past the boot and I heard banging, I looked at Ryan and he was laughing, I asked him what the hell was going on and he said he was having some fun, he opened the boot and Lacey was inside, she was covered in paint and eggs and everything. She had been crying and I didn't know what to do. I tried to help her out but she pushed me away. When she got out, most of the people who went to our school where stood outside taking photos and videos of her. I just stood there mum, I should have helped her, stuck up for her but I was afraid I would be kicked out of the group. I was dumb mum"
"Omg! Christopher Robert evans, I could slap you silly right now. How dare you treat a young lady like that"
Mum was pissed at me, she smacked my arm and just kept walking back and forth.
"I can't believe you didn't help her"
"I know okay, but I didn't lock her in there mum but she seems to think I did and maybe what I did was worse but I don't know how to make it okay"
"Chris, I love you your my son but this one your going to have to figure out for yourself"
"I know"

What could I do? I needed to explain that what happened had nothing to do with me but I was still at fault for not helping her. But she wasn't going to listen.

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