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6 months later

Lacey POV

It had been 4 months since I laid my mother to rest. That phone call I got was from the police telling me they had found my mother in an alley way, she did of an overdose. I cried so much because I felt like I was free. As bad as it sounded, she was dead and I was no longer burdened with her. I had spoken to lily about it and she wasnt really that bothered. She never knew her and she was okay with that. Chris had been amazing, he was there for me every step of the way.
We have been dating now for 6 months and it's been going great. He is always so sweet and brings me flowers and takes me on amazing dates. I have to say dating Chris Evans has been a once in a lifetime feeling.
As I'm just putting dinner out there is a knock on the door, I open it and there he is, stood with a bouquet of lilies and a teddy bear. I run at him
And jump into his arms. He has been away for a couple of weeks doing some re shoots and now I finally had him back.
"OMG! It's so good to see you"
"It's good to see you too baby"
I kissed him. I poured all my emotions into this one kiss. Ive missed him so much.
"I missed you"
"I missed you too"
Lily came running down the stairs. "Cap!!!" She ran to him and he picked her up into a hug. "It's good to have you back"
Him and lily had grown close over the last few months. They enjoyed each other's company and she finally had a male role model in her life.
We all sat down for dinner, lucky I had made enough for everyone. We sat and talked, Chris told us about his work and we caught him up on all of our news from the past 2 weeks.
He helped me clean up and then we all settled in the living room with a movie.
Around 10pm lily made her way upstairs, she started work tomorrow at her first real job. And she was so excited.
I looked up at Chris and could see he was struggling to keep his eyes open.
"Baby, let's get you to bed"
"Come on" I pull him up and we walk to my bedroom. We quickly change and snuggle into bed together. Chris is asleep within minutes. Just as I'm about to nod off I hear his phone going off. I slowly get out of bed and try to find it. He left it in a Jean pocket. I fish it out and look, there are text messages from an Abby. Saying she had a great time in New York and she couldn't wait to see him again.
There was also a text from a ryan asking him if he had dumped the whale yet and finally found a real women. It said to stop playing the game.
I was so angry. This was all a game to him, he didn't care about me at all and he had been hanging out with Abby while in New York. His ex girlfriend.
I threw the phone at him, he jumped up.
"What the hell?"
"You might want to read your texts" I storm out of the room and lock myself in the bathroom. All I hear is a loud voice saying shit!
Next thing I know is he is knocking on the bathroom door. "Lacey please let me explain."
"I don't think you need to Chris, it's all right there in back and white"
"No it's not, you've got the wrong idea, please baby open the door"
"No! You should go!"
"Go Chris! I mean it"
It had been quiet for a while so I decided to unlock the door and go down stairs, when I did I saw Chris sitting on the floor.
"I told you to leave"
"I know you did but I'm not going anywhere you need to listen to me Lacey"
"No! This was all just a game to you. What make me fall in love with you and then you rip it away, is that it?"
"No of course not I....wait did you just say in love with me?"
"So what if I did?"
"Lacey? Please just let me explain"
"There is nothing to explain. I knew I should have never trusted you!"
"Come on Lacey. I know these messages look bad but if you would just let me..."
"No! GET OUT!!"
I start throwing glasses at him. "Fine! Your crazy you know that!"
"Yeah I must have been to ever sleep with you" I slam the door and fall to the floor crying.
I loved him so much. I really thought I'd finally found my happy ever after but turns out it was another cruel trick!
Lily comes running out of her bedroom and sits with me holding me.
She doesn't ask what's wrong she just holds me while I cry.
What am I going to do?

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