5 years later

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So it's been 5 years! Wow!

I had my baby and she is beautiful, she is 5 now and her name is Sofia Isabelle Evans. She is perfect. On the day she was born Chris proposed to me and I of course said yes.
We were married within 6 months, we didn't want to wait any longer.
Stacey had her baby before me and she was adorable. She called her Rosie lily and she was so cute.
When Sofia turned 2 I found out I was pregnant again.  Chris was over the moon. He was hoping for a boy because he was becoming slightly out numbered. Luckily for him we did have a boy we called him Ethan Robert Evans and he is the spitting image of his father.
Ethan is now 3 and I've been getting that feeling again. So I took a pregnancy test and you betcha Evans has done it again.
I haven't told him yet, he has been off filming and he gets back tonight.
My music has been going amazing. Even though I have the kids I've been able to carry on writing and performing when I can.
I did take a slight step back and actually write for other singers which was really fun.
Lily had moved out 4 years ago, she was now in a very committed relationship and she was a co owner of a fashion, make up and hair botique. I was so proud of her. She was still the best sister in the world, she was also one of the best aunties in the world.
Stacey was still married. She now had 4 kids and she was doing great. They moved to New York last year for her husbands job but we still got to together at least once a month. All the kids were great friends and I still had my lovely best friend there for me.
I was just doing some laundry when I heard the door. I heard Sofia and Ethan go running to the door shouting daddy!
They missed him so much when he was away. We all did.
I walked out of the utility room and I saw him standing there with his little girl and his little boy looking happier then ever.
"Hey handsome"
"Hey beautiful, interested in letting a weary traveler stay the night" he winked at me. I laughed "well I don't know, my husband will be home any second. He's an actor so he's been a way for a while"
"Oh really he any good?"
"Hmmm he is okay not great"
"Hey now!"
I laughed and run towards him, he picked me up and spun me round "hello my gorgeous wife"
"Hello my handsome talented husband"
"Nice save"
He kissed me passionately. I've missed him so much. I pulled him into the kitchen and gave him a gift box.
"What's this?"
"Open it and look"
He opened the box and inside was a baby grow with Evans number 3 wrote on and my pregnancy test.
He looked up at me "really?"
"Yeah baby, really. You did it again Evans"
"Omg this is amazing"
He comes over to me and wraps me in a huge hug.
"I love you so much! Your making all my dreams come true"
"I love you too"
And that was it, another baby to add to the mix and our family would just keep growing.
I've never been happier and I'm so glad I didn't let all those mistakes from the past stop me from having this life with this man.
He is my world. Him and our little family.

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