The weekend

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Lacey's POV

The weekend came round quick and I was so nervous, I always got nervous when I was singing, but more so in my home town.
I was getting ready when lily shouted me "Lacey, you have a visitor"
"Okay, I'm coming"
Who on earth was visiting me, Stacey was meeting me at the theatre and lily was already here. As I got to the front door I saw him standing there with a big smile on his face. Mr Chris Evans.
"What are you doing here?"
"I thought I'd come pick you up as we are both going to the same place"
"That's thoughtful but I was just going to drive myself and lily there"
"Well now you don't have too"
"Thanks cap" lily shouted over
I grabbed Chris's arm and pulled him into the kitchen.
"Okay first of all ouch! And second of all your weirdly strong for such a small women" he laughed
"Funny! Seriously what are you doing?"
"I'm just trying to be nice"
"Well don't, you may have changed since high school but that doesn't mean I've forgotten what you did to me, you humiliated me Chris and I can't forgive you for that"
"I know okay, and you have no idea how sorry I am. I was a dick back then and I did what I needed too to make sure I could stay with the popular group"
"Including ruining someone's life if I remember"
He sighed and ran his hand down his face.
"I know okay, what I did was so beyond wrong"
"So beyond! I'm sorry Chris but I can't just be friends with you"
"Okay I get that, but can I please just give you and your sister a ride"
I thought about it and it did make sense I guess "fine but it doesn't mean I'm forgiving you"
I finished get ready and pulled my white sundress over my head. I went for simple and elegant. I paired it with some wedges and a small denim jacket. My hair was loose and wavy and I had minimal make up.
Lily wore a pink sundress, her hair was straight. Wedges like me and beautiful make up. She was always effortlessly beautiful.
As we both walked down the stairs Chris was looking up at us.
"Lily you look beautiful" "thank you cap"
"That nickname is never going away is it"
"Nope" lily laughs and then his eyes are on me.
"Lacey, you look incredible" I felt myself smile and my cheeks heat up. Then I stopped. Nope. Not happening I will not turn into a blushing mess just because he paid me a compliment. Nope!
"Thanks, shall we go"
"Of course"
We all climbed into his car and we're on the way to the theatre when we pulled up, Lisa (Chris's mum) met us at the door.
"Oh Lacey honey, you look beautiful. And so do you Lilly"
We both said at the same time "thank you Lisa"
We laughed.
"Oh Chris I didn't know you were bringing these beautiful ladies"
"Yeah neither did we until he showed up at the door"
"Oh well I'm glad your all here. Lacey if you want to head on up to the stage the band is waiting for you to talk notes or keys or something"
I laugh at Lisa trying to make sense of it all "thank you, lily please behave and don't cause any trouble"
"I'm not a kid anymore lace don't worry"
"I'll keep an eye on her" Chris said, I turned to him and smiled "thanks"
I walked off and spoke to the band.

Chris POV

As Lacey walked off I couldn't help but stare she looked beautiful, lily cleared her throat next to me.
"You know she is single right?" She looked up at me
"Yes I know that, thank you"
"Well I mean you can't keep your eyes off her maybe you should ask her out?"
"She would never say yes"
"Look I don't know what happened in high school but your both adults now, if you like her then go for it. She deserves someone good, she has had a pretty shitty upbringing, she has had bad and worse relationships and she had to play mum to me so she needs some happiness. Don't get me wrong career wise she is so happy. But her personal life has been shit, she has been through a lot."
I looked over at lily and she had a tear rolling down her cheek . I'm not sure what upset her so much but I hugged her.
"Chris, I love my sister and I just want her to be happy."
"Lily what happened?"
Before she could answer Stacey came over.
"Hello people, hello pine cone"
"Pine cone?" I looked very confused at the nickname.
"Yeah, when lily was little she used to have this obsession with collecting pine cones, every time we went out so there go pine cone was her nickname"
"Right okay makes sense, and lily what about your nickname for Lacey?"
"Strawberry lace?"
"Pretty self explanatory really she has a thing for strawberry laces and her name is Lacey"
I laughed "okay"
We talked for a while longer and then the band started to play, Lacey walked out on stage and took her place in front of the mic.
"Hello ladies and gentlemen, we are here today to raise money for this incredible theatre, I volunteered here for a few years before starting my tour and I loved my experience, this place is an incredible refuge for children to explore there talent and there dreams. Most of all it's a safe place for kids to come when they need a break from the world and that's of course thanks to the incredible work done here by all of the staff and of course the wonderful Lisa Capuano. She has been the smiling face of this theatre for a while now and she has so much love for dance and theatre. Without her we would not be here today." Everyone started clapping for my mum and I could see her starting to tear up.
"So without further ado I'm going to sing a little for you guys and please donate whatever you can, there are tubs everywhere so please do what you can. My first song is a song I wrote when I first started out and it's called church bells

'Jenny grew up wild, like a blackfoot daisy
Out in the shack with a blue tick hound
Broke as hell, but blessed with beauty
The kind that a rich man can't turn down
She caught the eye of an oil man dancing
One summer night in a dime store dress
She had the looks, he had the mansion
And you can figure out the rest

It was all roses, dripping in diamonds
Sipping on champagne
She was all uptown, wearing that white gown
Taking his last name

She could hear those church bells ringing, ringing
And up in the loft, that whole choir singing, singing
Fold your hands and close your eyes
Yeah, it's all gonna be alright
And just listen to the church bells ringing, ringing
Yeah, they're ringing

Jenny was hosting Junior League parties
And having dinner at the country club
Everyone thought they were Ken and Barbie
But Ken was always getting way too drunk
Saturday night, after a few too many
He came home ready to fight
And all his money could never save Jenny
From the devil living in his eyes

It was all bruises, covered in makeup
Dark sunglasses
And that next morning, sitting in the back pew
Praying with the baptist

She could hear those church bells ringing, ringing
And up in the loft, that whole choir singing, singing
Fold your hands and close your eyes
Yeah, it's all gonna be alright
You just listen to the church bells ringing, ringing
Yeah, they're ringing

Jenny slipped something in his Tennessee whiskey
No law man was ever gonna find
And how he died is still a mystery
But he hit a woman for the very last time

She could hear those church bells ringing, ringing
Standing there in a black dress singing, singing
Fold your hands and close your eyes
Yeah, it's all gonna be alright
And just listen to the church bells ringing, ringing
Yeah, they're ringing'

I couldn't help but be mesmerised by her Lacey and her voice she was incredible but that song had a hidden meaning and I could tell it was personal to both her and lily, even Stacey looked sad as she was singing.
Everyone was applauding as she carried on her set. She sang 4 songs in total including my favourite one heartbeat. When she finished she made her way down to us and lily hugged her tight.
"You haven't performed church bells in a long time"
Lacey smiled but it was a sad smile "I know but I felt like I could so I did"
"What's that song about?" I asked curiously
"Just some personal stuff" I knew she wouldn't tell me but I thought I'd ask.

Lacey was a strong, beautiful. Kind, caring women and from what I could gather had been through a lot.
I need to know more about her, she was intriguing to me, but I knew it was going to take a lot to get through her icy exterior, after what I did , I'm surprise she talks to me at all.

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