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"Pidge shield now" Shiro commanded from the black lion.
Pidge pulled up the shield to block from a cascade of attacks. The paladin's were in a battle with a small army of galra ships. They were being attacked at every angle and focusing all efforts on their defence. A galra ship fired at Voltron but the shot ricocheted and hit another galra ship destroying it. This stuttered the galras attack giving the paladins a chance to attack.
"Keith pull out the sword and use it to destroy all the ships at once" Shiro ordered.
Nothing happened. The red lion arm did not attempt to reach for the sword.
"Keith use the sword now" Shiro repeated.

Keith was in the red lion but his mind was somewhere else. He looked at the galra ships. Normally he would feel the same as the others and agree that the galra empire were monsters who were evil by nature however now his mind had been fractured. Just recently he found out he was part galra and now he didn't know what to think. He wanted to tell his friends he really did but every time he brought up the galras his friends just began talking about how evil they are. What if his friends began to resent him for it? What if he was like the galras? Keith couldn't get these questions out of his head. His thinking was broken by Shiro yelling into the comms.
Keith broke out of his trance and pulled the sword out. The team worked together and pushed all their strength into one huge swing and sliced into all ships exploding them all turning them into debris.
"Oh thank god" Hunk sighed in relief.
"Let's get back to the castle" Shiro said as the team detached from Voltron back into their lions.
The paladins arrived back at the castle and exited their lions then headed up to the central hub.
"Keith what happened" Shiro asked following him into the room.
Keith leaned against the wall and sighed.
"Sorry I just got caught in my own thoughts" Keith placed his hand on his face above his eyes then pushed his hair back.
"Keith you can't get caught up in your own thoughts in battle it could have catastrophic effects" Coran turned around from the console.
"Yes" Allura agreed with Coran "you cannot get distracted you need to stay focused"
"I'm sorry it won't happen again" Keith spoke.
"What were you thinking about that got you so distracted?" Pidge asked coming into the room with Hunk and Lance.
"It was nothing" Keith answered.
"Nah it was something all right Shiro had to call you like 4 times before you even answered" Lance stepped in.
"I told you it's nothing" Keith repeated.
"Come on Keith don't be such a baby" Lance teased.
"It's nothing now leave it alone" Keith raised his voice getting the full attention of his team. Keith stood up properly and walked out of the room. Pidge went to go follow him when Shiro put his hand on her shoulder. She looked up at Shiro.
"Let him go" Shiro said looking in the same direction Keith went " just give him some time to himself".

Later on the team were have dinner together. Hunk as always was stuffing huge amounts of food into his face as if it was his last meal.
Pidge scooped up a pile of green food but before he put it in his mouth asked "Where's Keith?"
Shiro put down his spoon and answered "Maybe he's just late".
"That rare I mean come on it's Keith" Lance spoke with his mouth full.
"Lance" Pidge looked at him.
"Oh come on Pidge it's true tho" Lance looked at Pidge.
The two were arguing about this when Keith appeared in the doorway.
"Speak of the devil" Lance looked towards Keith smiling.
"Hurry up Keith your late come take a seat" Pidge said tapping his hand on an empty seat.
"Sorry Pidge but I'm not hungry" Keith leaned on the entrance way "I was just going to say I'm heading to bed" he smiled and left.
Pidges face dropped "should I be worried?" He looks at Shiro.
"I'm sure he's fine he must just of had an off day" Shiro looks at Pidge with a confused look.

Lance who had been witness to all the weird events finished his dinner then decided to head to Keith's room to see why he had been so weird today. He walked round and arrived in front of the door. Lance entered without knocking.
"Hey Keith are you o...k" Lance walked in to see Keith holding a small galra knife. This normally wouldn't have startled him but it was glowing and it only glows when being held by a galra.
"Keith" Lance took at step back.
Keith saw Lance and dropped his knife then ran towards Lance. He grabbed Lance by the shoulders and pushed him further into his room. Keith looked outside his room to see if anyone was there and then closed the door. He turned to Lance.
"What did you see" Keith stared at Lance.
"That galra knife was glowing" Lance picked up the knife which remained dull in his hand. He looked to Keith with a confused look.
Keith sighed and walked passed Lance then sat on his bed. He put his head in his hands. Lance came over and sat next to him.
"Keith what's going on why did that knife glow" Lance held up the knife to Keith.
Keith took the knife back and once again it began to glow.
"I'm part galra" Keith spoke looking down.
"Your what" Lance sat there dumbfounded.
Keith didn't say anything he just sat there. Lance stood up but Keith grabbed his arm and looked up at him.
"Don't tell anyone please" Keith pleaded.
Lance saw something he had never seen before. Not only did Keith actually say please but his eyes looked so sad and forced. He was begging in front of Lance.
Lance stood in front of Keith and placed his hand on his shoulder "I won't I promise" he then took his hand off Keith then turned around and left the room.
Keith laid down on his bed and put his hand on his forehead then closed his eyes.

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