Plan Gone Wrong

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                                        With the paladins
"It's almost time" Pidge looked at the console.
Everyone was incredibly tense. No one tried to make any sort of conversation. Pidge took one huge breathe before pressing the cloaking button. The green lion pushed off from behind the meteorite and began heading towards the galra ship. They arrived outside the entry point.
"Isn't it meant to be open?" Lance bent down to look at the hatch easier.
"I know what I'm doing" Pidge remained concentrated on the hatch.

A few seconds later the hatch opened. The green lion sped inside. They began travelling down a long tube. They passed small parts of unwanted machinery flowing down the tube and avoided them with ease. They were almost at the end of the tube when a massive piece of metal came straight at them.
"Pidge can you avoid that?" Shiro asked.
"It will be close. Brace for impact" Pidge started go go faster and the green lion pushed out sideways to try and go around the metal. They got passed the metal but the corner got caught on the green lions leg spinning the lion out of control. Everyone grabbed hold of something. The green lion spun to the end of the tube and crashed into the wall of the garbage area.
"Is everyone okay?" Shiro looked around. Everyone nodded.
The green lion stood itself back up and then opened its mouth to let everyone out.
"Since we are in the garbage area no one will of hear the crash and the galra only put stuff in here after battles which there hasn't been any recently so the green lion will be safe for the moment" Pidge explained as she looked at the dent in the wall.

"Come on everyone we need to find Keith. Does anyone know where he is in the ship?" Lance asked.
Pidge got her computer out and began typing on the keys. "According to my calculations his is somewhere near the top of the ship". Pidge closed her computer and put it back in the green lion.
"Let's go get our friend back" Hunk held up a laser gun.
Everyone made sure they had everything ready and prepped before they exited the garbage room and began sneaking their way towards the top of the ship.
They began slowly sneaking around the ship checking every corner for patrols. Shiro was at the front followed one by one by the rest of the team.
"Everyone stop" Shiro whispered. Everyone haltered and kept their backs on the wall. A patrol of centurions passed them and headed down the corridor. The team then began moving down the corridor which the centurions had just been walking down.
"How far are we from Keith?" Lance asked looking behind him towards Pidge.
Pidge looked at her watch and scrolled through it until a little red dot appeared on the watch's surface. "He's not too far now. We just need to go down this corridor take a left and a few meters further there should be a door on the right. He is in there"
"Perfect we will be there in no time" Hunk spoke from the back.
The team followed Pidges instructions and arrived outside of a grand door.
"He is just behind this door" Lance went to go in but Shiro held him back.
"Keith may be in there but we have no idea who else is in there. We need to stay vigilant." Shiro considered.

Lance held up his weapon and got ready in case of an attack's from the other side of the doors. He looked at everyone who was also now ready. Shiro nodded towards him. Lance took a deep breath then stepped into the room with his weapon ready. The rest of them followed with weapons held up high but they looked around to see no centurions or any galra soldiers.
The room was almost completely empty with only a throne at one end of the room. When they walked in it seemed to them that no one was in the room but then they looked towards the window and saw Keith stood with his hands by his side holding a galra sword.

"KEITH" Lance yelled smiling and ran towards him but Keith turned around and pointed the weapon at him. Lance stopped in his tracks and stood facing him.

"Keith its us" Pidge motioned towards him.

"I will give this one chance to surrender" Keith kept his sword held up high causing his sleeves to fall down to his elbows.

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