A Secret

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~The Next Day~

Keith tossed and turned in his sleep. He was having nightmare. He was stood in the middle of the command centre holding the galra knife. Lance was pointing at him in disgust and the rest of the team were holding their weapons towards him.
"Guys I'm not what you think" Keith raised his hands in defence.
"Your a monster" Hunk shouted.
"Yeah a monster" Pidge yelled.
"Guys please" Keith stood unprotected as the team rushed in and all attacked him at once. The blades were about to hit him when he woke up with a jolt.
"NO" Keith woke up sweating. He sat up and looked around.
"Thank god it was only a nightmare" Keith got up and got dressed. He then headed down to the training deck to clean his mind.
~20 Minutes Later
Keith was sparring with a practice dummy and was really hot so he took his shirt off and threw it to the floor when he noticed Lance stood watching him. He wiped the sweat off his head and held down his sword.
"How long have you been standing there" Keith went and picked up a towel then put it around his neck.
"Not long" Lance had to practically peel his eyes off Keith's bare chest.
"Well do you want something?" Keith asked.
"No just wanted to see if you were okay" Lance crossed his arms.
"I'm fine" Keith put his sword away and walked past Lance and into the corridor.
Lance watched as Keith faded away into the distance.

Later on everyone was in the central hub talking about the fight against the galras. Pidge had been working on a upgrade on all their weapons and was telling the team how to use it.
"English please" Lance spoke up looking at Pidge.
"Urgh" Pidge complained "just press the small blue button on the side and wait 5 seconds".
"Oh" Lance squinted his eyes to look at the side of the weapon.
"This might finally give an advantage against the galra" Coran smiled.
"Yes these evil galras will finally get what the deserve" Allura added.
Everyone smiled at each other except for Lance who was worryingly looking at Keith and Keith who remained straight faced.
"Voltron will be victorious" Hunk punched his hand in the air but lost his balance and fell over.
Shiro, Pidge, Allura and Coran all laughed. Keith turned around and left the room.
"What's wrong with him" Pidge asked.
"I'll go see" Shiro said and began walking to the direction Keith went but Lance got in his way.
"No I'll go check" Lance got up in Shiros face.
"But you guys are always fighting and teasing each other" Shiro began but Lance had already gone running off in the direction of Keith.
"I'll see what's wrong" Lance yelled from the distance not looking back.

Lance looked around the castle looking in all the places Keith would usually go and when he couldn't find him he headed to the red lion to see if Keith was there. He headed into the red lion through the mouth and looked into the cockpit. He peaked his head in and saw two legs dangling down from the pilot seat.
"Keith" Lance spoke.
He didn't hear a response so he repeated his name "Keith".
The chair turned around and Lance saw Keith. His eyes were red and puffy and tear stains reeked from his face.
"Lance I don't know what to do" Keith's voice cracked as a new tear fell from his eye and down his cheek.
"Keith" Lance walked over and stood in front of Keith. He took his arms and pulled him up into a hug. At first Keith resisted not wanting to feel weak but then he embraced Lances hug and broke down in his arms. Tears spilled from his eyes as he cried into Lances shirt. Lance held onto Keith's back slowly rubbing his hand back and forth and placed his free hand on his head.
"I don't know what to do" Keith repeated as he looked up at Lance.
"Are you afraid what the team might think of you when they find out your part galra?" Lance asked.
Keith nodded.
"They won't care" Lance began "you are their friend and they care about you and know who you are. They won't care that your part galra because they know you are not like them."
"Really?" Keith stepped back from the hug and wiped his eyes.
"Really" Lance smiled.
Beep. Beep. Beep. A large siren began beeping all around the castle.
"The galra is attacking" Alluras voice came from the comms in the lion.
Lance rushed out of Keith's lion and ran to his own. He entered his lion and headed to the cockpit and sat down. As he was getting ready he saw Shiro, Pidge and Hunk running to their lions. Everyone had geared up and were ready in their lions.
"Everyone ready" Shiro asked.
"Ready" everyone replied.
"Then let's get going" Shiro said as the black lion started its boosters and shot out of the tunnel.
The other lions all followed one by one out of the tunnel and into the heart of the starting battle.

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