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Hanging from the chains Keith began to come too. He painfully opened his eyes and looked around dreading what might happens next. He noticed no one was in the room but could see people moving from behind the door from the shadows covering the small amount of yellow light at the bottom of the closed door. He remained alone for quite some time before the door slid open. He turned his head to the side to avoid eye contact and braced for impact. After nothing seemed to happen he turned his head back in front and looked to see who was stood in front of him.

"SHIRO, LANCE, EVERYONE" Keith looked so happy and forgot everything that had happened to him within the past day. He pulled as far forward on the chains as he could to try and get closer to his friends.

"You came" Keith felt so happy it nearly brought tears to his eyes. The team just stood a few meters in front of him and smiled.
"Little help" Keith looked up at his hands which now were red from rubbing and small dripples of blood came running down from his wrists to his arms.
Hunk came over to Keith and lifted his hands up towards him. Keith thought he was going to unlock the shackles however he didn't look like he was holding a key.
"Hunk you need a ke....." Keith began but then Hunk took his hands and slapped him. Keith recoiled in shock pushing his body as far back as it could go before the shackles held his body in place.
"You really think we would just invite you back after finding out you were just like them?!" Hunk stared Keith down before moving backwards towards the group.
"Yeah Keith you don't belong on Voltron the red lion deserves better" Pidge threw a small knife at the side of Keith's face scuffing the side of Keith's ear.
"Guys I'm not like them" Keith promised, emotional pain written all over his face.

"Then why didn't you tell us you were part Galra?" Shiro asked.

"I was scared. I didn't know what to do" Keith replied looking at his friends.

From the looks of his friends they did not believe him and remained straight faced. Lance came up from behind Shiro holding a large 8 inch knife. He admired it in his hands and held it up so the knife showed his face in the blade. Shiro held his hand out towards Lance who stopped admiring the blade and handed it to Shiro. Shiro then began walking to Keith and stood only a step or so away from him. He held the knife to his chest looked him straight in the eyes and pushed the knife into his skin and down his body.
Keith screamed at pain as Shiro continuously began making cuts all down his torso. The pain was unbearable. Keith looked down to see his body stained with blood. His vision began to go blurry and all he could hear was the sound of the droplets of blood hitting the floor and the laughing of his teammates.
"Please stop I'm begging you" Keith cried out in pain tears streaming down his eyes. He looked at Shiro then behind him to the rest of the team. His hopes were crushed and any love and happiness for his friends just vanished. He took one last look at Lance before passing out from overwhelming pain and loss of blood.
Keith kept slipping in and out of consciousness always opening his eyes to see the same sight of his friends laughing at him.
While Keith was unconscious the Druid came back into the room to see how the plan had been progressing.
"Is everything going to plan?" the Druid looked towards the centurions.
"He believes we are all his friends and his mental state is beginning to break down. Soon his mind will be increasingly vulnerable and impressionable" one of the centurions spoke.
"Excellent keep it up and when he is ready alert me" the Druid said before leaving the room.

Keith properly woke up a while later. He had no idea how long it had been. He opened his eyes to see the face of Shiro. The rest of the team were just watching from the back. Shiro was holding the same knife from before which was now dry with Keith's blood. Before this experience Keith would be upset to see that his friends were hurting him but now all he felt towards them was anger. Deep down inside him a boiling rage came up and all he wanted to do in that split second was hurt his friends for what they had done to him.
"Ready for round 2" Shiro laughed holding the knife up but passed his torso and went higher up towards his arms smiling.
Keith didn't seem to make any sort of emotional reaction towards this.
"Oh trying to be a big boy" Lance commented laughing at Keith.
Shiro held the knife to the bottom of Keith's left hand by the wrist and began to press in. Blood trickled down from his wrist down his arm before droplets hit the ground reforming the puddle of blood from the previous cuts to his torso. Shiro continued to go further down Keith's arm releasing the blade then creating a new cut further down. Keith remained emotionless towards this. He looked up at his arms and watched as Shiro finished with his left arm and stepped to the right before holding the blade up to Keith's right wrist.

"Ready to go again" Shiro smirked at Keith.

Keith looked away from the blade and looked straight into Shiro's eyes. "Fuck you". He looked down and spat on Shiro's shoes before looking back up again.

Shiro let out a slight laughter before grabbing Keith's face and pulling him closer. " Your going to pay for that" Shiro pushed Keith's face away from him at such force Keith was flung backwards and hit his head on the wall.

Keith closed his eyes on impact and reopened them after the throbbing in his head had calmed down. He noticed that now the entire team were stood around him not just Shiro. They all had a different weapon in their hands: a knife, a whip, a laser gun, a electroshock gun and a sword. They all remained perfectly still for a few seconds before they all began attacking one at a time. After one of them had finished another one began. It was like an endless circle of pain. Keith could no longer keep up the emotionless façade. He cried out in pain screaming more and more and the attacks continued. He looked up and despite the constant noise and pain he zoned in on Lance. Just like the others he was attacking him but for a slight moment Lances face faltered. The evil smile and angered eyes for a slight moment changed revealing a sympathetic face with sad eyes. Keith blinked and suddenly it was gone as if it had never appeared.

"Was that real?" Keith thought, his mind recoiling deeper into his mind to block out the physical pain. The more his mind tried to protect him from the physical pain the more the barriers protecting him came tumbling down. He was getting weaker and soon he would be too weak to fight. Eventually he will give in and when that happens Emperor Zarkon's plan for him will be complete. Voltron won't stand a chance.

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