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                                                 At the castle

"Okay this is as far as the castle can go without being detected by the Galra ships" Coran explained as he turned to the team.
"Alright" Shiro began "We all know the plan right".
Everybody nodded along.
"Remember we will only have 30 seconds of cloaking before the green lion becomes visible" Pidge stated making sure everybody knows the risks "If we get there and fail they will know we are there and then anything could happen to Keith".
"But we won't fail. We will succeed and then Keith can come back home and everything can go back to normal" Lance looked at everyone filling them with a positive feeling.
"Lance is right" Shiro nodded over in approval.
"Well everyone its now or never" Hunk stood up from his chair.
"Lets go" Shiro commanded.

Everyone was already dressed and headed over to their pods and hopped in. Normally it would each take them to their individual lions however only the green lion has a cloaking ability so everyone crammed into Pidges lion. Pidge waited until everyone was in before using the controls and taking the lion into space.
"Good luck paladins" Allura gave a few words of encouragement.

The green lion was able to get pretty close to the ship without even using the cloaking ability as the ships were surrounded by debris and meteorites that has floated off in space. Most of them were big enough for the green lion to hide behind and since all the debris caused some cosmic interference the galra ships could not pick up the green lions signature. They got as close to the ship as they could then looked over towards where the green lions entry point needs to be.
"That hatch over there is the entry point" Shiro pointed over to a part of the galra ship where the small hatch was.

"It opens to let out any rubbish or air that is not needed in the galra ship. So when we enter we need to be carefully in the case that a chunk of unwanted metal comes flying at us" Pidge began " However it is only open for a short amount of time so if we are too early or too late we might get locked out or the cloaking ability will wear off".

"Who knew the entire plan would rely on timings" Hunk spoke to no one in particular.
"We believe in you Pidge you can get this right" Lance placed his hand on Pidges shoulder and smiled.
"Yeah you can do this we all believe in you" Shiro said.
"For Keith" Pidge took a deep breath.
"For Keith" everyone else repeated.
"Now all we have to do is wait until its time for the hatch to open" Lance looked out towards the galra ship "Hold on Keith we are coming".

                                At the galra ship
The Druid walked into the command room where Zarkon was looking outside of a window. He turned his head and saw her walk in and stand a few meters away from him.
"So is he ready" Zarkon let his hands fall to his sides and turned towards the Druid.
"He is at the prime condition we want him to be" the Druid spoke.
"Perfect bring him to me immediately" Zarkon walked over to his throne and sat down.
The Druid left the room and headed towards where Keith was being held. She walked down the corridors of the ship and stopped outside the room with Keith in. She commanded two centurions to go in release him and get him.

Keith had been awake for a while as the pain would not allow him to sleep but he hadn't opened his eyes. If his friends were still in the room and thought he was awake they might begin to hurt him again. However he no longer cared that they were his friends. At first the torture would hurt more because they were his friends and he felt huge emotional pain as well as physical pain but now his friends were just his capturers and strangers towards him. He now didn't feel anything towards them not happiness not sadness not even anger. He heard the doors slide open but he didn't open his eyes. The footsteps got louder and louder until he heard someone stop right in front of him. He braced for impact but nothing happened. Instead he felt someone reach up towards his hands and begin unlocking his shackles. His hands were released and Keith fell to the floor. He looked up to see two centurions one holding a key and a bottle of something in his hands and another stood at the entrance to the room holding a gun. Keith peered around the centurion to see if Shiro and everyone was still in the room but there was no sign of them.

"Drink this it will make you feel better" the centurion handed Keith the bottle he was holding.
Keith didn't even try to refuse he just took the drink and downed it in an instant. Almost immediately he felt better. The pain in his body nulled and he felt that he could actually move around a bit. The centurion gestured him to stand up and to follow him. Keith followed him but stopped for a second when he looked to his side to reveal a mirror. He looked at the mirror. His arms and torso were scattered with cuts and bruises of all different sizes each on different stages of healing. Dried blood covered many of the cuts all down his body. He looked like a living punching bag. Keith broke contact with the mirror when something was thrown at his head. It hit him them landed in his hands. It was a new shirt. Keith quickly slipped it on then continued following the centurion. As he left the room the other centurion followed Keith staying behind him the entire time he was being taken around the ship. He had absolutely no idea where he was going until he was finally there. He arrived outside the doors from which he had been dragged out of before being shackled in the room. The doors opened and the centurion stepped out of Keiths way and gestured for him to go inside.

Keith stepped inside the room and the door shut behind him. He clutched hold of his stomach in pain before walking further into the room. He looked at the throne expecting to so Zarkon but it was empty. He looked around to see Zarkon stood looking out into space. Keith walked to the middle of the room and stopped.
Zarkon turned around to look at Keith.
"Are you feeling any better?" Zarkon asked.
"Yes" Keith said one word.
"We saved you" he stated.
"What" Keith looked confused.
"Your friends came and took you then hid you on the ship. Your lucky we found you in time." Zarkon explained.
Keith had nothing to say. He didn't exactly trust Zarkon but he couldn't deny his story completely as he with his own eyes saw his friends torture him.
"Do you want revenge?" Zarkon offered.
So many things rushed around in his head and he was struggling to keep up with everything. The pain from the torture and the lack of sleep were clouding his brain and he didn't know what to do.
"They hurt you. Do the people of the planets in space really want to have protectors that hurt their own when they aren't what they want" Zarkon spoke getting into Keith's head.
After everything that had gone on Keith was in a very fragile state and in this state he could be easily manipulated and be coerced into thinking a cetain thing and thinking a certain way.
"So I ask again" Zarkon said "will you join us and get back at your friends for hurting you".
This made Keith think. He remembered everything bad that had happened with his friends from the torture to everything bad that had happened in the castle and on other planets but he couldn't picture anything good. It was almost as if nothing good had ever happened with his friends and they had never had any good memories together. The times they had saved other planets and had fun fights together were completely gone as if they had never happened. Because of this Keith had no reason to refuse.
"I will join you" Keith looked straight at Zarkon with no emotions present in his eyes.
"Perfect" Zarkon looked pleased "Let's get you cleaned up and ready".

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