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The paladins all headed into the depths of space out of the castle and noticed a huge galra ship looming over them with hundreds of little battle ships surrounding it.
"There's so many of them" Keith analysed.
"There must be a least 100" Pidge added.
All ships remained still and for a few moments everything was completely frozen until the galra initiated their attack. Lasers began firing from all the little ships and they advanced towards the lions.
"You ready guys let's form Voltron" Shiro commanded.
All the lions came together and the most powerful weapon had been created forming Voltron.
The team pulled out their sword and shield then got ready for impact. It was like being hit by a truck. The attacks came from all angles and the paladins were finding it hard to defend themselves. They blocked as many as they could then pushed off with their boosters and swiped their sword at the galra ships coming close to them. They kept swiping their sword while holding their shield in their free hand to block the frequent attacks. They had destroyed a good amount of ships but they kept coming and coming not giving the paladins and time for a break. They were being bashed around everywhere.
"We can't keep this up" Pidge spoke into the comms.
"We have to" Shiro spoke.
Voltron continued to be attacked at high speeds and the team were being bashed about in their cockpits struggling to keep control of the lions.
"Somethings wrong" Keith assumed looking at the battle.
"Of course somethings wrong we are being attacked at every angle" Hunk shouted into the comms.
"No not that, the big battleship isn't attacking"Keith explains.
"Your right it isn't" Lance chimes in.
"It will have weapons so why is it stationary" Keith asks. "Unless....".
"Unless what" Lance asks.
"Unless it's getting ready to launch a huge attack" Shiro finishes.
Everyone became silent until Hunk yelled.
"Keith on your left"
Keith turned to look when a fighter pilot crashed against his side of Voltron. He was jerked forwards and hit his head on the front console.
"Arghh" Keith groaned as he put his hand on his head. He put his hand in front of him to see it stained with blood.
"Keith are you ok?" Shiro asked.
"I'm fine just a bad impact" Keith replied.
"Guys look at the battleship" Pidge yelled urgently.
Everyone looked up towards the battleship to see the front of it had been pulled away revealing a massive laser cannon. The insides were turning blue as the weapon had been loading since the start of the battle and it was now fully operational. The cannon pointed straight at Voltron and fired. A speeding blue laser slammed straight into Voltron. The sheer force of the laser separated the lions each pushing them in different directions. Each paladin got their lion balanced again and looked around. The fighters now zoned back in and began shooting on each of the lions.
"Everyone scatter" Shiro yelled and all the lions began evading the attacks rather than fighting back.
"We need to retreat" Pidge shouted as he shot a few of the fighter pilots but failing to make any impact on the battle.
"I agree we need to wormhole out immediately" Allura spoke from the castle.
"Everyone back to the castle so we can wormhole away" Coran began panicking.

All the lions began racing back to the castle evading as many galra attacks as they could. Each lion managed to make it back to the castle cleanly however Keith couldn't. When Voltron was separated Keith was hit the furthest away and as he was making it back to the ship it was almost as if the galra ceased attacking his friends and aimed straight at him. In order to avoid the attacks Keith had to go up and go further away from the castle.
"I can't reach the castle" Keith said struggling to keep his lion balanced and stay functional. What made it worse was his head. After smacking it against the console it had been throbbing and his vision kept getting blurry.

The attacks were getting worse and worse and Keith was struggling to stay conscious. His head kept dropping and it was getting harder for him to dodge the attacks.
"Keith get out of the way" He heard Shiro yell but it was too late. He turned his head to see the large battleship had now recharged its laser cannon and it was aimed straight at him. They fired. It slammed into Keith's lion at such force that Keith's vision went black. He fell out of his chair and bashed into the wall. He landed on the floor and the last thing he saw was the cockpit flashing red from injuries to the red lion. He closed his eyes and passed out.

"Keith, Keith can you hear me!!" Shiro yelled into the comms getting no answer.
"Keith!!" Lance shouted also getting no answer.
From the castle the paladins ran and looked out to see Keith's lion stationary as the galra battleship opened up its loading dock and took the red lion inside. The fighter pilots receded and followed the battleship as it created a wormhole and escaped into deep space.

"KEITH, KEITH" Lance yelled banging on the window.
"What just happened?" Hunk asked in shock.
"They just took Keith" Pidge stood their dumbfounded.
Everyone looked at each other in shock before their glances all turned to Shiro.
"What do we do?" Hunk asked to Shiro.
Shiro looked out into space where Kieth had just been and for once was lost for words.
"I don't know" Shiro replied "I really don't know".

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