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The team were running to the command room when they kept nearly falling over from the range of attacks the galra were doing on the castle. They ran into the room to see Allura yelling at Coran.

"Put the shields up now" Allura shouted.

"I'm trying" Coran was rushing around.

Shiro placed Keith propped up on the floor by some steps. He then walked next to Allura.

"Can we wormhole?" Shiro asked.

"We need to get further away from the galra but in order to get the speed we need we could end up damaging some of the castle in the process." Allura spoke her eyes still focused on the battle.

"We need to escape. After we have worm holed away we could fix the damaged parts correct" Shiro asked hopefully.

"We can but I have no idea which parts could end up damaged" Allura sighed knowing it was the only option they had.

"Coran direct all power to the thrusters we need to get as far away from the galra as we can before we wormhole" Allura ordered.

Coran did exactly that and then the castle started going much faster causing Hunk to fall over.
"Ow" Hunk rubbed his head.
Lance looked at the galra ships to see they were getting further and further away by the second. Allura closed her eyes and concentrated. In front of the ship a wormhole appeared and the castle disappeared into it leaving the galra ships in the dust. Everyone sighed in relief as they exited the wormhole with no galra ships following them.

Lance ran over to Keith to see he was much worse than he was in the green lion.

"We need to get him in one of the chambers now" Lance looked at everyone.

Allura clicked on he console to get the chambers up but they weren't coming. She tried again but they were not working. She began looking to see what was going on when her face dropped.

"What is it Allura why are the chambers not coming up" Lance was freaking out.

"The speed we used to escape. The power we took to get us away from the galra damaged the chambers. They are not functioning." Allura's face filled with sadness as she looked towards Keith who had gone a pale white.

"What are we going to do he is clearly not well" Hunk stood scared.

"I don't know we don't have any real medical supplies. We always relied on the chambers" Coran said scratching his head.

"Guys" Lance said.

"Maybe we can go to earth for help right" Pidge said

"Guys" Lance repeated.

"Or there must be a planet that will have great medical technology" Hunk added.

"GUYS" Lance yelled at the top of his voice.

Everyone turned to see Lance had his two fingers pressed against Keith's neck. All the colour had drained from his face.

"Keith's not breathing".

Everyone looked down at Keith whos body was completely lifeless. His strained breaths and hot forehead were now gone. He remained completely still. The team stood frozen.

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