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The team jumped out of the corner and did exactly what Shiro had told them. Lance and Hunk both ran at the galra soldiers and tackled them to get the guns out their hands. While they were doing that Keith and Pidge both shot the soldiers that were the biggest threat. Shiro used his galra enhanced arm to knock down the soldiers knocking most of them out almost instantly.

After the fight the team had surprisingly not been injured and carried on down the corridor. They could see the entrance to the garbage area in front of them and ran to it. Shiro and Lance were able to make it in but before Keith, Pidge and Hunk entered the room Keith was shot with a purple beam. He flew backwards accidentally hitting Pidge before he fell to the floor. Keith groaned in pain. Shiro and Lance came back out into the corridor and turned around to see a woman in and full black robe. A Druid. Lance ran up to Keith and knelt down by his side to see if he was okay. The other three stood in front of them protecting them from any unwanted attacks.

"If you surrender now it will be less painful" the Druid spoke.

The team said nothing but continued to hold up their weapons. Keith sat up then took Lance's hand as he stood up. Keith walked next to Shiro and said "We will never surrender".

"Its too bad. Emperor Zarkon had big plans for you. You would have made an excellent weapon" the druid looked towards Keith making him shudder.

Hunk shot at the Druid but she disappeared and reappeared again a few meters away.

"You can't defeat me. You should have given up when I gave you the chance" the Druid shot a purple beam at the team but they moved sideways and avoided it. They began shooting at her but she kept disappearing.

"I've got an idea" Pidge spoke "she may be able to disappear but she still breaths the same air so if we ignite a smoke bomb or a can of tear gas she will have to halt attacking".

"Excellent idea Pidge" Shiro took off the bag he had brought on his back and began going through it "everyone just keep her busy for 30 more seconds".

The team kept shooting. The druid reappeared and started forming another purple beam but this time she didn't fire it straight away. She kept it in her hands and started feeding it more and more power to use one big attack. She charged her magic and then aimed the beam at the most unprotected paladin which happened to be Lance. His weapon had run out and he wasn't looking at the Druid. Keith saw this.

"LANCE GET OUT THE WAY" Keith yelled and ran towards him. Lance looked up and saw the beam coming straight at him but didn't have time to react. He closed his eyes and braced for impact bur reopened them when he felt something pushing against him on his right side. He looked to see Keith had jumped forward and pushed him out of the way of the beams trajectory. Lance reached his hand out to grab Keith's but the beam hit Keith straight in the chest propelling him backwards then slamming him against the wall. Lance fell to the floor but stood back up immediately and ran towards Keith who was motionless on the floor.

"Keith....Keith" Lance shook his friends shoulders but Keith didn't seem to be conscious.

He turned to see that Shiro had got the smoke bomb and ignited it then rolled it onto the floor where it immediately began releasing smoke. The rest of the team now ran up to Lance and Keith.

"Is he okay?" Hunk asked worryingly.

"I don't know" Lance looked up.

"When we get him back to the ship we can put him in one of the chambers to help heal him" Pidge spoke.

The team nodded and Shiro picked up Keith bridal style then began running to the green lion. Shiro was the first one in the lion and softly placed Keith on the floor. The rest of the team ran in afterwards and Pidge got straight into the pilot seat and began to move.

"The garbage chute now wont work for a while so we are going to blast our way out" Pidge began heading back down the tube which was now clear of all garbage. She arrived at the open point of the chute.

"Allura can you hear me" Pidge asked

"Yes I can. Did you get Keith?" Allura asked.

"We did but we are going to struggle to get back to the ship. The entire galra empire know we are here and they are not going to let us leave without a fight. I need you to be ready to wormhole as soon as we get back to the castle" Pidge spoke.

"Of course. I'll be ready" Allura said before ending communication.

After hearing this Pidge shot a hole in the garbage hatch as flew out. At full speed the green lion began heading away from the galra ship but they didn't get far before attacks began hitting them from the rear. Pidge turned to see galra ships coming right at them.

"Hold on" Pidge said as he began trying to avoid being blasted.

Lance wasn't focused on the galra. All his attention was stuck on Keith who was still unconscious on the floor. His breathing was much heavier now as if he was struggling to breathe and his forehead was hot as if he had a fever.

"Guys I don't think Keith is doing very well" Lance looked over at Shiro.

Shiro came towards Keith and knelt down by his side. He placed his hand on Keith's forehead and looked over at a worried Lance.

"He has been through so much in the past days his body is trying to compensate for that. When we get back tot he castle we can put him in one of the chambers and get him all fixed up" Shiro spoke to Lance trying to reassure him and put on a stained smile. Lance nodded and looked back at Keith.

"We are almost at the castle everyone hold on it will be a rough landing" Pidge shouted.

Allura could see the green lion coming followed by a huge amount of mini galra battleships.

"Coran when the green lion gets inside the castle be ready to put up the shields and get ready to wormhole" Allura stood in the middle of the central command centre.

"On it" Coran ran to his console and began pressing a bunch of different things.

The green lion came speeding into the loading bay then stopped. The paladins came out of the green lion with Shiro holding Keith in his arms. A massive crash tilted the castle nearly making the paladins fall over. They all began running up to the command room.

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