Mind Manipulation

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Keith stared at Emperor Zarkon. Both men looked at each other saying nothing until the Druid next to Zarkon lifted her hands and began forming purple spheres around her hands. She shot them at Keith. He yelped in pain and fell to the ground on his knees.
"Stay down and you won't get hurt" She called out to him.
Keith put his hand to his stomach and lifted his head.
"Do you know why you are here?" Zarkon asked.
"Because you are a psycho who wants to take over the universe and we have the only weapon that can stop you." Keith sarcastically smiled at Zarkon glancing his eyes to the Druid and then lieutenant.
"Hmm" Zarkon puffed in amusement. "Interesting theory but I'm afraid you are quite wrong on this one" Zarkon raised his finger at Keith.
"What" Keith spoke confused.
"Well I have my own little theory" Zarkon stared straight into Keith's eyes and pointed his finger directly at Keith "you are part Galra".

Keith knelt shocked. He hadn't told anyone beside Lance and there was no way Zarkon could hear them speaking from another room let alone far away in space.
"How.. how do you....how do you know that?" Keith stuttered struggling to get the words out of his mouth.
"I always thought you fought like a galra and it was fairly amusing when I found out you were actually galra just like me" Zarkon explained.
"I am nothing like you" Keith shouted towards them.
"We are more alike than you think young..... Keith was it" Zarkon studied Keith's face "yes definitely Keith".
"We are nothing alike you are a remorseless cold blooded killer" Keith yelled.
"Do your friends know?" Zarkon leaned backwards into his throne.
Keith didn't say anything just remained still.
"They don't know" Zarkon smiled amused "they will never accept you. When they find out who you are they will see you just like me. A monster".
This hit Keith like a bullet. Tears welled up in his eyes and he stared down at the floor. He suddenly felt so crushed. His hopes of his friends saving him vanished into thin air. "Lance probably told them" he thought. They probably realised who he was and decided not to come for him.
"How long have I been here?" Keith asked his eyes wet with tears.
"3 days" Zarkon boomed.
3 days Keith thought. 3 days. From the way Zarkon was acting the paladins haven't made any sort of attempt to save him. Anger welled up inside of him but he suppressed it down.
"Join us Keith" Zarkon sprung up suddenly.
Keith looked up at Zarkon who's face clearly showed he was not joking.
"What" Keith practically whispered.
"Join us I'm sure you will be greatly welcomed" Zarkon repeated.
The silence in the room was if daggers had sprung from everyone's eyes.
"NO" Kieth said defiantly.
"No?" Zarkon asked.
"I will never join you" Keith said raising his head high.
"That's too bad I was hoping we could do this the easy way" Zarkon sighed and flipped his hand to Keith.
The lieutenant called in some centurions and they came in and walked down behind Keith. They yanked him up and took him out of the room.
Before he was dragged out completely Keith yelled at Emperor Zarkon "My friends and I will stop you. You will lose".
Zarkon watched Keith being dragged out then turned his head towards the Druid.
"You know what to do" Zarkon spoke to the Druid standing next to him.
The Druid nodded and exited the room following in the direction in which the centurions took Keith.

~At the castle~
"So Pidge have you found us a way inside yet" Lance was getting very impatient.
"No Lance I'm still try to find us a way in without being detected" Pidge was pressing many different buttons on his console.
"Come on Pidge" Lance groaned.
"Lance I understand your stressed but we are all trying to help" Shiro walked over to Lance.
"I know I know" Lance sat down.
"We still haven't gotten to the bottom of why the galra took Keith and left" Allura said.
"The galra never back down and will fight to the last second so why did they retreat once they had Keith" Coran added.
"Especially since they were winning" Hunk kindly finished.
Just as when this conversation came up before Lance remained completely silent as of to erase his presence from the room entirely.
"Lance" Pidge looked at him sceptically.
"What" Lance looked at Pidge confused.
"Do you know something?" Pidge asked.
"Whaaaaat no" Lance raised his hands in defence and shook them side to side.
Lance looked around to see that everyone was now looking at him. He couldn't take everyone eyes on him so he sat down and covered them with his hands then looked down.
"Lance do you know something" Shiro walked up to him and sat down next to him.
"It's about Keith but" he began.
"But what" Coran asked.
"But I can't tell you" Lance continued staring down.
"What do you mean you can't tell us" Allura stepped down from her console and stood in front of Lance "Keith had been abducted and the galra are doing god knows what to him and you can't tell us"
Allura stood fuming. Lance looked up to her.
"I made a promise" Lance said sincerely.
"What" Hunk stopped eating.
"Keith made me promise" Lance continued to not give much information.
"Lance" Shiro looked at him "I understand you made a promise but if you know why the galra took Keith we need to know" Shiro rubbed Lances back.
"Keith will want us to save him and if this information helps us I'm sure he will forgive you" Pidge looked up from his computer.
Lance looked around at everyone nodding in agreement and cracked. He created a mental picture of Keith in his head.
"I hope you forgive me" he thought.
He returned to the present and took a few deep breaths before speaking.
"I think they took him because" he began but stopped to take another breath.
"Because what" Allura hurried Lance up.
Lance stared straight at Allura.
"He's part galra".

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