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"Urgh" Keith groaned as he regained consciousness. He sat up and leaned against a wall. He looked around to see he was in some type of cell. It wasn't very big and it was clear other people had been in this cell with the scratch marks covering most of the walls. He was all alone but even if someone had been in there with him it would be hard to see them as the only light source was the light coming from the small bars at the door of the cell. Keith put his hand to his throbbing head. The blood had since gone dry and was now a reddy brown on his forehead.
"I need an aspirin" Keith spoke to himself. "I hope the others are okay".
Keith looked up and the ceiling and sighed.

                         ~At the castle~
No one got any sleep and were all sat at the dinner table.
"We need a plan" Lance stated "we need to go save Keith".
"What can we do?" Hunk asked while stress eating.
"First we need to find out where they took him right" Pidge asked.
"It will clearly be galra headquarters because he's a paladin" Lance commented.
Pidge ignored Lance and opened his portable computer to search for the red lions signature. Shiro looked around at his fellow teammates and saw that even though they were not physically showing it that all of them were panicking.
"Guys we will find Keith and we will bring him home" Shiro reassured the team.
"I've searching for the red lions signature but it might take awhile" Pidge looked up and closed his screen. "Speaking of, why did the galra leave with Keith when they were clearly winning the battle".
That caught everyone by surprise. Shiro had a thinking face but Lance who would normally come back with some sort of witty joke was completely silent. He looked down at the table as he had some sort of idea to why the galra took him but couldn't tell the gang. He made a promise.
"What Lance no witty comment" Pidge looked to Lance.
"Just too stressed" Lance replied lifting his head up.
Ding. Ding. Ding.
"What that" Shiro asked.
"That's the signal saying that I've found the red lion" Pidge pulled up his computer and looked "im surprised we found it so quickly but that's a good thing right?"
"So" Lance butted in.
"You were right Lance according to these coordinates the red lion is at galra headquarters which means Keith is probably there too" Pidge agreed with Lance.
"Good, now let's go get him. We can't keep sitting around" Lance stood up and slammed his hands on the table then stepped away.
"Lance we can't just go rushing in" Shiro stood up in front of Lance.
"The longer we sit around the more things the galra can do to Keith" Lance began to get really agitated.
"If we go in unprepared it will only make things worse" Shiro put his hands on Lances shoulder to calm him down.
"I'm sorry" Lance looked down.
"It's okay I understand we are all upset" Shiro removed his hand from Lances shoulder.
"Now everyone to the central hub we need to create the most effective plan we can as quickly as possible" Shiro headed out of the room with the rest of the paladins, Allura and Coran following.

~At the galra ship~
Keith had no idea how long he had been in the cell. Since he had been awake no one had come to his cell. He was just sat their with his own thoughts all alone. He was humming to himself when he heard a clunking outside of his cell. He looked up to see some centurions open the door. He placed his hand in front of his face to block out the bright light which flooded his cell.
"Come with us" the centurions stood with their guns in front of them. Keith stood up and exited his cell and into the corridor. The centurions pushed the gun into his back to get him moving. They were walking for some time until they got to a massive door. It opened and the centurions gestured to him to go inside. He entered however the centurions did not and remained outside as the door closed. Keith looked around. The room was mainly empty except for a throne looking chair at the end of the room above some steps. Keith walked closer keeping an eye out for any unwanted attacks. He arrived at the bottom of the steps. He was about to go up them when a door to his right opened. He looked towards the door and saw a very big galra walk through the door followed by a Druid and a lieutenant and sat down on the throne. The galra looked down at Keith.
Keith stepped back a few steps and looked up at the galra.
"Emperor Zarkon" Keith spoke with disgust.
"Paladin" Emperor Zarkon spoke "I've been expecting you".

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