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A/N: Not only do you get Rikey but you get to see the bois being the bois and its I'm not okay AU bc I'm a sucker for it

"Hey! Mikey! Wait up!" Frank called out to his lanky friend. Mikey turned around and adjusted his glasses so they would barely hang onto his nose. Mikey sighed in annoyance, as he really wanted to return home from school. "What do you want?" Mikey asked. "Come to my house with Gee tonight." Frank ordered. "Why would I do that?" Mikey asked. "Because I want you two to sleep over and hang out with me...

And besides, Ray will be there." Frank said with a wink and smirk. Mikey blushed a bright red. "U-uh- why does that matter?" He asked as Frank blurted "Because we know you're in love with hi-" but was cut off.

"Heyo!" Said an arriving Ray. He smiled which made Mikey's heart melt. Mikey blushed again. Mikey absolutely adored Ray's smile, along with everything else about him. "What are you guys discussing?" Ray asked. "Oh, nothing much, other than I'm trying to get Mikey to sleep over tonight." Frank explained. "Nah, I don't think so." Mikey said, not wanting to give into Frank. "Come on!" Frank whined. "We can read comics, watch movies, and play video games! Don't you love that stuff?" Frank asked. Mikey's mind starting putting unrealistic thoughts in his head. Mikey loved comics, but he would rather read them while sitting in Ray's lap. He liked movies, but would enjoy them much more if he was cuddled up to Ray, captured by his warm embrace. Mikey liked video games, but wanted to go head to head with Ray.

Mikey's brain was cut off as Ray looked at him with a pleading look. "Please Mikey? Come over? It'll be fun!" Ray said. Mikey couldn't help but give into that dork. Mikey sighed. "Okay, just because Ray wants me there." He said, getting another wink and smirk from Frank. Mikey rolled his eyes.

Timeskip to Mikey and gee getting ready

"Mikey! Let me help you pack." Gee said, rushing into Mikey's room. "Gee, I'm very well capable of packing myself." Mikey said. "But Ray is going to be there." Gerard teased. "So what?" Mikey questioned. "So what?! Dude, you need my help! We gotta make sure you wear the cutest PJs you have!" Gerard exclaimed. Mikey groaned and rolled his eyes. "No." He said. Gerard gave him a look of disapproval and shook his head. "I'm doing it anyways." Gerard said. He began going through Mikey's drawers and closet to find something for him. "Aha! Ray will adore you in this!" Gerard said, holding up some PJs for Mikey. The PJs consisted of an oversized and long Iron Maiden shirt, along with some fluffy unicorn socks that reached just above Mikey's ankles. Mikey sighed again. "I don't have a choice, do I?" He asked. Gerard smiled and shook his head. "Nope!" Mikey rolled his eyes and began packing. He packed the basics: toothbrush, hairbrush, hair straightener, etc. Along with those items, he brought along the stuffed unicorn he always slept with, but kept it tucked away. He was afraid that Frank or Ray would laugh at him.

Mikey shoved all his things in a bag and was stuck waiting for Gee. Gee came out of his room, holding all his stuff in a tote bag. "Let's go!" He said, dragging Mikey to the car. They both hopped in, buckled up, and began driving.

"Gee, I'm nervous about this whole thing. I'm not sure if I should go." Mikey admitted half way there. "Mikes, you'll be fine. It took me a while before I could be comfy and calm around Frank, and look where we are now." Gerard said with a smile. "But Ray is probably going to laugh when he sees me in those socks, and he's gonna go crazy with laughter when he sees my unicorn in my bag." Mikey said. "Mikey, I will beat his ass if he laughs. But I'm sure he won't. Ray's a really sweet guy, I'm sure he'll understand." Gerard said with a soft smile. "Trust me, Ray isn't the type to laugh at someone like that." Said the older Way brother.

"And we're here!" Gerard happily announced. Mikey gulped and got out of the car, slowly making his way inside. Mikey's face lit up with excitement and nervousness when he saw Ray sitting on the couch. Ray smiled wide and got up, tackling the younger Way brother in a hug. "Mikey! You decided to show up!" He said. Mikey blushed, not knowing what to do. He hugged back and said "Yep. It took some effort but I made it." He said. "So boys, how shall we start the night?" Frank asked. "PJ Fashion Show!!" Gerard said. Mikey shook his head. "Oh hell no." He said, not wanting to put his PJs on. "Come on Mikes, it'll be fun!" Ray said, ruffling Mikey's hair. Mikey sighed. "Okay okay I'll do it..." He said.

A few minutes later, each boy took turns walking down Frank's hall and showing off their sleepwear. Gerard wore his skeleton onesie, doing a half turn and hip shake as he pranced down the hall. Frank wore his underwear. Yep, just his underwear. Ray wore a Batman shirt with matching pajama pants, as well as some bunny slippers. Mikey kept his head down as he walked through the hall in his pajamas. "I look so stupid-" he complained. "What? No! You look adorable!" He heard a familiar voice say. He lifted up his head and matched the voice with Ray's face. "Oh shut up..." A blushing Mikey said. "I look horrible." He said. Ray shook his head. "Nope, you look cute you cutie." He insisted. Mikey groaned and blushed.

"What now?" Ray asked Frank. "Hmm...I don't know...how about a PILLOW FIGHT!" Frank said, running into his room. He grabbed a pillow and attacked Gee with it. Gee laughed and grabbed a pillow to hit Frank back with. Ray smirked and tackled Mikey to the ground, holding him down with one hand and hitting him with a pillow with the other hand. Mikey's face once again resembled a tomato. Mikey groaned and grabbed a pillow that was laying next to him and smashed Ray's face with it. The boys continued their antics for about 15 more minutes until they were tired out. They spent the rest of the night doing their usual. Reading comics while laughing so hard it would sting, playing video games, trying to plot something to get Ray and Mikey together, etc. Later on, they went into the living room and turned the lights out, preparing to watch a horror movie. "Frank, what's the sleeping arrangement?" Gerard asked. "Well, obviously, you're with me Gee." Frank said flirtatiously with a smirk. Gee laughed. "And that leaves Ray with Mikey." Frank said. "Fine with me." Ray said with a bright smile. Mikey didn't say anything. He could barely function. The only thought he had was the fact that he was going to share a bed with Ray. Ray.

"Mikes, you okay dude?" Ray asked, snapping Mikey out of his trance. Mikey nodded. "Yeah, I'm alright. Let's watch the movie now." He said as Frank pressed play on the VHS. The movie began, and everything was fine until one scene that freaked Mikey out started. Mikey moved close to Ray, who sat next to him and his his face in his shoulder for protection. Ray noticed that Mikey was scared, so he wrapped his arms around Mikey and held him close, all while whispering comforting things such as "it's okay Mikey. It can't hurt you, it's not real. I'll protect you. You're safe, alright? Everything is okay." This made Mikey sleepy, as he lost focus on the movie, and was only focused on Ray's whispering. It sounded so comforting to him, and Mikey felt safe in his warm arms. Mikey's eyes dropped, eventually shutting. Ray looked at Mikey and whispered an "Aweeee." To himself. He couldn't help but notice how innocent and peaceful Mikey looked when he slept. He looked perfect, so angelic. Ray smiled, not even caring about the film anymore. He couldn't help but feel as if Mikey was an actual angel. Everything Mikey did was just so perfect to Ray.

Ray stood up with Mikey in his arms, and carefully made his way up to the guest room. He gently placed Mikey on the bed, trying hard not to wake him up. He took Mikey's glasses off his face and placed them onto the nightstand next to the bed. He looked over and noticed a unicorn plush sticking out of Mikey's bag. He walked over to the bag and grabbed the unicorn. He carried it over to Mikey and gently placed the plush animal into Mikey's arms. Ray went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth and brushed out his fro before going back to the guest room. He smiled to himself as he saw that Mikey continued to sleep peacefully, holding the unicorn even tighter. Crawled into bed next to Mikey and held him close, which was somewhat of a challenge with the unicorn in between them. He ever so gently kissed Mikey's forehead and whispered:

"Goodnight, you angel. Sleep well."

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