💙Come Fly With Us, Come Die With Us 💙

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A/N: already over 6k reads!!! You guys are awesome!!

Also, if you get the reference in the title, you're even awesomer

Also sorry, this is a super short one!!

'Twas the beginning of My Chemical Romance. They had only just released their first album, and it was already a smashing success. They were already working on a second album. They were making it big, so big, they were going on their first ever world tour. They would get the honor of playing at so many different places, performing for so many fans. It seemed great to everyone.

Except Ray.

Ray had always been afraid of flying, and knowing they had to get on a plane was nerve-wracking. He had made it all the way through the airport just fine, but when he actually stepped foot in the plane, that's where it became the most stressful.

He sat down in his seat, which was next to Mikey's, and took a deep breath.

"The plane will begin takeoff shortly." Was announced, and that sent Ray into a mostly concealed panic. He sat there, shaking and sweating, but that was all. What anyone could see on the inside was unmatched when compared to how Ray felt inside. Mikey quickly noticed and took Ray's hand into his.

"It'll be okay. I know you're scared." Mikey said in a soft, calming tone. Ray sighed.

"You don't know that we'll be okay! What if we crash!? What if I fall out of the window? What if we-" Ray rambled, but was cut off by Mikey's finger on his lips.

"Shh, that's not gonna happen love. Crashing is super unlikely. Like, probably a 1/10000 chance..." Mikey began. He knew the likelihood of crashing was probably greater, especially 9/11 being kinda recent, but he wanted to calm Ray down.

"Besides, I don't think airplane windows open. And they're too small for you to fall out." He said, hugging Ray's arm.

"Mikey...you don't know that."

"Ray, don't worry! I'll be with you the whole time, no need to be afraid." Mikey reassured, reaching up to kiss Ray's cheek. He laid his head on Ray's shoulder.

"Just pretend we're in the van." He told Ray. Rays shaking calmed down a bit.

"Alright..." He said, closing his eyes. The plane began to take off, so he shut his eyes tighter, having a death grip on Mikey.

Once they had been in the air for a while, Ray was mostly calm. Mikey was still holding onto him, giving him praise and reassurance.

"See Ray! It's not so bad! You're doing so good...I'm proud of you." He said, kissing his lips. Ray kissed back with a smile.

"You're right....the views actually super cool." Ray said, looking at the window.

"Mhm! We'll be there in no time too. And hey! It's only gonna get easier." Said Mikey. Ray nodded in agreement.

"Thank you so much Hun. If I didn't have you, I don't think I would've survived." He said, leaning down to kiss the top of Mikey's head. Mikey let out a soft giggle.

"No trouble at all, dear."

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