💙Battle Scars 💙

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Thanks to whats_a_sleep, CallMeTurg27, and mikeywaymylove for always supporting me!!

Special thanks to xx_void_mikey_xx for getting me back into writing :) I love talking to you dude ur the best!! (Psst they have a super awesome Danger Days fic you should read! It has some jetkobra 👀)

Ok enough sappiness, let's go!

TW: mentions of past s/h and scars, please click away if any of that is upsetting and triggering to you

Mikey stood in his bedroom he shared with his boyfriend, some pajamas laid out on his bed. He made sure the door was closed, not wanting Ray to come in at the moment. Although Ray had been dating him for a few years, Mikey still didn't like changing in front of him. Why did it matter? They were both boys after all. What would Mikey have that Ray didn't?

Scars. That was it. Some were from dumb things Mikey did as a kid, some were from him getting beat up at school years ago, but a lot were self-inflicted. He knew cutting his arms would be too obvious, so he would always cut his back up, despite having difficulty doing so. Luckily, it had been several years since he had self harmed. Last time he did it was age 17, and he was currently 24.

Mikey took his shirt off, throwing it onto the ground. What he didn't realize was that Ray was opening the door, being very quiet about it as well. Ray gasped softly, not loud enough for Mikey to hear. Ray could feel his heart breaking at the sight of Mikey's scarred up back. He sighed softly, walking over to Mikey and wrapping his arms around him from behind. He gently leaned down, kissing each and every scar along Mikey's back. Mikey felt him and jumped, turning around. Ray sighed once more and shook his head. He turned Mikey back around and continued kissing his back.

"Ray?!- what are you doing?" Mikey asked, clearly getting anxious. All these years of hiding wasted....

"Shh baby, let me kiss it all better." Ray whispered to Mikey, leaning back up and kissing his shoulder.

"Ray....I didn't want you to know..." Mikey said, trying to hold back tears that formed in his eyes. Ray kissed the side of Mikey's head, gently rubbing his back in attempts to comfortable the obviously worried boy

"Well, I know now. Nothing can be done now, sweetie." He said, keeping his voice calming and soft. Mikey sniffled, having to wipe away a few tears.

"Ray....Look, I can explain all of this." Mikey said, only to have Ray press a finger to his lips.

"Shh, no Hun. I already know. Gerard told me." Ray said, planting a kiss on Mikey's forehead. Mikey's tears wouldn't stop. Ray simply held him closer, playing with his hair.

"Why would Gee say it?" Mikey asked, really upset his brother would reveal such sensitive information.

"He wanted me to know so I knew how to take care of you...and so I wouldn't freak out seeing it for the first time. I need to ask you something, Mikey." Ray said. Mikey grew nervous, avoiding eye contact and fidgeting with his hands.

"Mikey, when was the last time you hurt yourself like this?" Ray asked.

"A few years, I haven't cut since I was 17." Mikey said truthfully. Ray gave him a soft smile and then a kiss to the nose.

"That's amazing dear, I'm so proud of you...You're so strong, and this just proves it." He said softly, ruffling Mikey's hair a bit. Despite being praised, Mikey couldn't help but frown.

"I wish I never did it. It left me with ugly scars." Mikey said. Ray shook his head, turning Mikey around and gently tracing over the old scars with his fingers.

"Nope. I think it's beautiful." Ray said.

"No! I'm so ashamed of them...it shows how weak I am." Mikey argued.

"No baby, it shows how strong you are. It shows you had a tough fight that you won." Ray explained, Mikey still wasn't buying it.

"Baby, I really mean that. You're so beautiful to me, with or without scars. You're my beautiful baby boy." Ray whispered soothingly.

"But, the scars..."

"Ah ah ah...none of that sweetheart." Ray said. "You're Mikey Way with the scars. You're Mikey Way without the scars. You're the gorgeous man I fell in love with all the same. I love you so much and I'm so proud of the person you've become." Ray said, gently tucking Mikey's hair behind his ear and kissing him softly. Mikey kissed back, more tears dripping down his face. Ray wiped them away as per usual.

Mikey reached for his pajama shirt again, only for Ray to grab his hand and stop him.

"Nope, you don't need it." Ray said.

"Why not?" Mikey asked.

"You need more kisses." Ray said sweetly, laying Mikey down and laying beside him. He gently spooned Mikey, peppering more light kisses along his back. Mikey reached and turned the lamp off before putting the blankets over him.

"How long are you gonna keep doing that?" Mikey asked.

"Until they're all better." Ray answered.

"They're scars...they won't go away." Mikey said with a sad sigh.

"Exactly. That means infinite kisses for you." Ray said with a smile, holding Mikey a bit closer.

"Ugh, I love you so much, Ray. Seriously. Even when I'm in a rough spot, you always make me feel so loved and safe..." Mikey admitted, closing his eyes.

"Michael, you have no idea how happy that makes me...I love you too sweet boy." Ray whispered, giggling at Mikey yawning.

"Okay baby, get some rest, I gotta stay up and give you more kisses." Ray told Mikey, moving back up to his shoulder and kissing it a few times. Ray went higher, leaving a kiss on the back of Mikey's head before going back down to Mikey's back.

"Goodnight sunshine, I love you so much." Mikey whispered.

"I love you too baby boy....sweet dreams." Ray whispered back, continuing his kisses for a long time.

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