💚But Mommmm!💚

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A/N: I can't stop. You can't stop me from writing. Here's one where a certain guy with glasses gets embarrassed by his mom >:)

"Mom, please, whatever you do, don't scare my boyfriend....I promise he's a great guy!" Said Mikey, his anxiety rising. His mother simply laughed and fixed a crooked picture on the wall. She was making sure the house looked decent, as this was the night she would meet her youngest son's boyfriend.

"Honey, I think you should be more worried about Gerard scaring him." Said the woman, laughing as she recalled how protective her oldest son could be of the youngest. Gerard was always keeping an eye out for his little brother, willing to beat the living shit out of anyone who tries to hurt him. He was especially suspicious at guys who seemed to be interested in his little brother. He wasn't sure what they wanted from Mikey. He would only allow Mikey to date a guy that he approved of, and Ray was no exception. Sure, he was already best friends with Ray, but he couldn't trust him with dating his brother just yet.

"I hope he doesn't get too protective...I don't want him to scare Ray away. I mean, I know he just wants me to be with a good guy, but he can take it kinda far..." Mikey mumbled nervously.

"Don't worry baby, I'll talk to him about that. However, I will give you a little piece of advice that'll be useful to determine if Ray's a good guy for you to be with." Said Mikey's mom. Mikey nodded, waiting to hear the upcoming advice.

"If Ray really does love you, he'll keep coming back to you, no matter how hard Gerard tries to scare him away." She explained, ruffling her son's hair. Mikey nodded in agreement. He had a feeling that Ray truly loved him. Ray even told him:

"No matter what, no matter how many times I have to go through hell and back, no matter how many monsters and goblins get in my way, I'm gonna do anything to show you I love you."

Mikey's heart melted as he remembered his boyfriend's words. He smiled at the fond memory, his worries dissolving away.

"Anyways, I better go finish doing my hair. Love you sweetie." Said the woman as she kissed her son's cheek. Mikey smiled, feeling confident that everything would be okay.

Ray was feeling a bit different.

"Oh god...What do I do?..." He whispered to himself, breaths quick and short. Ray was close to panicking. He had no idea how Mikey's mom was. Was she nice? Would she like him? Was she worse than Gerard? He needed words of comfort, so he took his phone out of the pocket of his dress pants and dialed Mikey's number. A few short seconds later and he would get an answer.

"Hello, honey." Answered Ray's lover. He smiled at the soothing voice from the other end of the phone.

"Hi sweetheart..." Ray said, evident worry in his voice.

"Hey, is everything okay? You seem uneasy." Asked Mikey.

"I'm really nervous! I mean, what if your mom doesn't like me? What if everything goes horribly wrong!?" Ray asked on the verge of panicking.

"Ray, honey, just breathe, okay? Everything's going to be alright..." Reassured Mikey. "I promise. My mom's really chill. If you can deal with Gerard, she'll be a piece of cake. Just be your sweet and polite self, and she'll love you."

Ray smiled at Mikey's words and took a deep breath. "You're sure she'll like me?" He asked.

"Positive. I'll be looking forward to seeing you soon. Bye darling!"

"Bye lovebug!" Ray said before hanging up. He took another deep breath and looked at himself in the mirror. His hair was perfectly parted down the middle, and not a single curl was out of place. Ray looked down and back at the mirror, fixing his bowtie so it was perfectly horizontal. He took another deep breath and smiled into the mirror, mostly happy with his appearance. He grabbed a few things that included a bouquet of flowers and a stuffed bear, carrying them to his car and placing them in the passenger's seat. He grabbed his phone to text Mikey and let him know he would be there soon.

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