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A/N: time for another oneeeeee. This one is about Mikey singing and Ray trying to woo Mikey with his singing, getting some help from his friends... also yea its another party at patrick's house <3 love y'all

"No way dude! I'm not singing! No way in hell!" The younger Way brother exclaimed, shaking his head frantically. Mikey and all of his friends were at a party, located at Patrick's house. Patrick had previously discovered a karaoke machine at his local thrift store, complete with 5 wireless microphones. He purchased it and went to his house to try it out. It was in rough shape, but with the right tools, it was up and running in no time. He invited all his close friends over to try it out.

"Come on, we never get to hear you sing!" Patrick whined.

"Yeah, and we're gonna keep it that way." Said Mikey, earning a pout from Patrick.

"But Mikey, please! Why don't you wanna do it?" He asked his fellow bespectacled friend.

"Dude, I literally sound like actual shit when I sing. It sounds like every middle school boy mixed with a pigeon." Mikey explained, dead serious. Ray was watching the two go back amd forth, and while he didn't want Mikey to feel pressured and embarrassed, he just had to side with Patrick on this one.

"Please Mikey? It'll be fun!" Ray chirped cheerfully, hoping his positive energy would transfer to Mikey. It seemed to all be for nothing though, as Mikey simply shook his head.

"Nope, not singing. Everyone's just gonna make fun of me." Explained Mikey.

"I promise, no one will make fun of you! Not even Frank! If he wants to say something, I can happily backhand his face." Ray promised, half-jokingly. He knew Frank liked to pick on Mikey, which was normal. However, there were a few cases where Frank went a bit too far, and genuinely upset Mikey. Ray would hate for that to happen again.

"....Fine. Only if you promise not to laugh." Mikey explained, Ray nodding in response.

"No worries. I won't laugh, and no one else will either." Ray reassured, ruffling Mikey's hair. Mikey couldn't help but flash an uncommon smile. Ray smiled at the excitement of finally getting to hear Mikey's singing voice. He already fell in love with Mikey's awkward and nerdy, yet adorable voice, so hearing him sing would probably make him fall in love all over again. He could already imagine it: that adorable geek singing his heart out to his friends. It was a thought Ray smiled at, knowing it would finally come true.

"Give me the damn microphone..." Mikey grumbled, grabbing a mic offered to him by his older brother.

"Kick ass out there Mikes, everyone's gonna love you." Gerard said, ruffling his younger brother's hair.

"Gerard, Ray already messed up my hair. I don't need you doing the same thing." Mikey scoffed as Gerard laughed.

"What track are you singing?" Asked Andy, accompanied by Frank. Mikey blushed at the song he wanted to sing. He was planning to sing "Girlfriend." By Avril Lavigne. He knew it would be embarrassing, but he could always pass it off as a joke, which made him comfy. There was a reason behind the song choice though. He had felt a desire to be with his friend Ray, and he could express that through the song. Sure, Ray was already single, so many of the lyrics didn't quite match up, but that didn't matter. Mikey also knew that the personality that song had didn't match his. The song gave off a strong vibe of 'I'm the best, be with me now.' While Mikey's was more like. 'uh, would it be okay if we were to like...hold hands or something?' But, Mikey still found the song to connect with him in a way.

"I want to sing...Girlfriend..." Mikey mumbled, prepared for the laughter that would come his way.

"Hold up, you mean the Avril Lavigne song?" Frank asked, holding back laughter. His laughter released out of his system and he even shed a single tear.

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