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A/N: I have too many ideas. Seriously ive got a big list- also tw for this one bc there is a panic attack in it. Its a very happy end tho so don't worry, i can never write sad endings. Oh yeah its bullets era btw :)

Tonight was the night. First time playing live in front of people. There wasn't too many people, as it was just a small local gig.

"How you feeling, dude?" Frank asked Gerard, looking in his direction. Gerard shrugged, not quite sure.

"Well, I mean, I'm excited, but also kinda nervous. I'm sure things will be fine though." Said Gerard, a small smile tugging at his lips. He took a sip of his water and looked around the room.

"Huh?...Frank, have you seen Mikey anywhere? I thought he was sitting here a few minutes ago." Questioned the older brother of the missing member. He searched all backstage, his little brother no where to be found.


Mikey! Where are you?...



...Oh Mikey...." Called out a worried Gerard, frowning when he walked into a closet backstage.

The sight was horrible. He saw his own little brother stuffed in the closet, curled up in a ball crying his eyes out. His breathing was rapidly increasing speed, and he covered his face with his hands. Mikey was horrified out of his mind, several horrible thoughts rushing like cars through the highway of his mind. Mikey was absolutely terrified of playing in front of a crowd, nervous that even one little mistake would be noticeable and ruin his life. He was worried he would be laughed at, booed, or have all the attention drawn to him. What made it worse is that his boyfriend wasn't even there to comfort him, so he felt all alone. Ray was running late, as traffic decided to fuck with him that day.

"Mikes, are you okay?...Hey, it's okay. What's wrong?" Gerard asked the crying boy, trying to sound soft and caring. He carefully reached out his hand, patting Mikey's back.

"Get away! Please, just leave me alone!" Mikey said through his waterfalls of tears. He didn't want to come of as rude, but he couldn't help it. He knew his brother wanted to help, but he needed his space.

"Hey, it'll be alright dude.." Frank began. "You're nervous because of the gig, aren't you?...We'll do fine out there. But you better calm down quick. We go on in a few minutes and we can't go without you." Frank said, his words causing Mikey more stress. He began crying harder and began struggling to breathe.

"Come on Mikey, just take a few deep breaths..." Gerard instructed, demonstrating the slow breathing in hopes his brother would copy him. It wasn't working.

"I....I want....Ray!...Where...is he?!" Mikey asked, sobbing loudly and gasping for air. Gerard frowned, knowing Ray wasn't there at the moment.

"He's not here yet. He'll be here soon through, I promise. Everything's gonna be okay, I'm telling you. No need to worry." Gerard reassured, ruffling Mikey's already messy hair. Frank left the room, leaving the two brothers alone. Gerard sighed to himself, knowing his attempts to comfort his panicking brother weren't working as well as they used to.

"Want...Ray...." Mikey cried, Gerard hugging him.

"He'll be here very soon, I promise...." Gerard reassured, Mikey calming down a tad. He hugged his older brother back, but was still crying and shaking.

"Hi! I'm ready for the show!" Greeted an optimistic Ray. Frank sighed of relief, alerting Ray that something must have been wrong.

"Everything okay man? Where's Mikey and Gerard?" Ray asked, causing Frank to frown.

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