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A/N wow two oneshots in a span of two days is impressive for me. MORE WHOLESOMENESS AHEADDDDD.

"Finally..." Mumbled Ray. Three hours of driving had finally gotten him and Mikey to the carnival. They had been planning to go for about a year, and they finally made it.

"Wake up, Sleeping Beauty." Ray said with a light chuckle. He looked over to see his boyfriend asleep and leaning against the window. He wouldn't budge, so Ray lightly shook him. Mikey sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Huh? We're here?" Mikey asked. Ray smiled and nodded.

"Yeah! Did you sleep okay?"

Mikey nodded and smiled.

"Good, let's get going. I need some cotton candy in my system." Said Ray as he hopped out of the car and opened Mikey's door for him.

"The carnival awaits for you, Princess Mikey." Ray said in a pretty horrible attempt of a British accent as he held Mikey's hand and led him out of the car. Mikey playfully rolled his eyes.

"Damn right I'm a princess!" Mikey said half-jokingly as he adjusted his crooked glasses. Ray simply smiled and led Mikey straight to the cotton candy stand.

"Woah....They've got flavors of cotton candy I didn't even know existed...." Ray said in amazement.

"One giant blue one and one giant pink one please." Mikey asked as Ray fell into a trance, amazed at the sugary clouds.

"Ray...Ray! Dude snap out of it!" Mikey said as he tried to hand Ray the pink fluff.

"I love you, cotton candy..." Ray mumbled as he looked at it in shock. Mikey gave him a puzzled expression and shook him around.

"Ray snap out of it! You're confessing your love to a lump of sugar." Mikey said, Ray laughing.

"Wait really!?...I mean, can you blame me? It's good!" Ray said as he grabbed Mikey's hand again. The two walked around the carnival as they are their cotton candy. Mikey spotted a roller coaster and smirked. He began to run and practically dragged Ray to it.

"We're doing this. You. Me. This ride." Mikey said, causing Ray to groan.

"No! Why do I have to?" Whined Ray.

"Because I said so. Besides, it'll be fun." Mikey said. Ray shook his head. Mikey decided he would need to use his secret weapon. He held both of Ray's hands and gave him puppy eyes.

"Please? It'll make me really really happy. Please? Please?" Mikey asked in the softest and sweetest voice as Ray sighed.

"Fine. I'll do it." He grumbled as Mikey smiled. The two got on the ride as Ray nervously gulped. Mikey looked at him with concern.

"Are you okay, Honey?" Mikey whispered. Ray shook his head.

"I'm scared...." Ray admitted, causing Mikey to feel guilty.

"I'm sorry...You can get off if you want." Mikey mumbled.

"Maybe it'll be fun. I'll give it a go....And don't feel bad, Dear. I'll be fine." Ray reassured, knowing Mikey felt bad.

The ride started and Ray grabbed onto Mikey's hand as if it were the last thing on earth. Everything was fine at first, until the first drop. The coaster slowly crept uphill.

"This is it. We're gonna die Mikey! We're done for!!" Ray yelled, terrified. The coaster stopped for a moment, causing Ray to feel slightly relieved. Right when he least expected it, the roller coaster dropped at full speed ahead. Ray screamed like a tiny kid while Mikey bursted into laughter.

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