The Devil Still Walks the Earth

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Lucifer woke to the beautiful woman beside him snoring. It was still so early with the sun barely bringing light that was cast on her face. At some point, she had put his shirt on probably after their third time having sex and still all he could think about was taking it right back off her. A piece of her hair touched his shoulder and couldn't help but reach out to run it through his fingers. I don't want to leave her, he thought to himself. But I cannot allow this world to suffer because of me. I cannot allow HER to suffer because of me.


He hadn't noticed that she was awake. Her beautiful blue eyes looking at him with so much love in them but also a little fear.

"What are you thinking about?"

He took a deep breath and laid his head back on the pillow. She sat up beside him and put her hand on his chest and he stroked her thigh.

"Chloe, this complicates things."

She smiled at him with his use of "complication" to explain their night. "You are not leaving me again, Lucifer. We need to talk to Amenadiel. There is no reason that you can't handle this a different way."

He hadn't ever wanted to leave her. She still didn't know she was made to be in his path because he was scared of what she would think and do. He didn't want her to reject him. Ever.

"Lucifer?" Her voice and touch bringing him back to her from his deep thoughts.

He reaches up cupping her face in his hand and she smiles at him climbing to straddle him leaning in for a kiss before sitting back upright. His breathing has increased and his left hand works its way down cupping her and kneading her breast.

"Detective...," he says with a huskiness that makes her skin tingle with excitement and she could feel him hardening beneath her hips. With a little devil in her, she ground down on him causing him to moan in pleasure and she leaned down to take his mouth in hers.

Lucifer carefully exited the bed sometime later putting on his red satin pajama pants to go fix himself a drink. He heard the familiar ding of the elevator as he took his second swig of the whiskey. He looked up to see Amenadiel coming through the doors.

"Hey, Luci," Amenadiel said with a smile. "Linda wanted me to come by and check on you and make sure you were okay."

"Linda did or you wanted to be a big brother and just check on the devil after the demon battle?"

Amenadiel smiled at his little brother. Of course he would know the truth. But he had seemed to have something on his mind after they left the Miyan. He thought it had to do with Chloe but everything seemed fine when he left to get Charlie home. They were both setting the stage for the police to come inspect the scene.

Something was wrong, though. Lucifer seemed preoccupied and staring out toward his balcony.

"Luci, something is wrong."

Lucifer shook his head and poured some more whiskey and talked as he walked outside to look out on Los Angeles.

"Brother, I don't know what to do. I thought I did but now, well everything has changed again."

Amenadiel's eyes narrowed as he tried to understand what Lucifer was talking about.

"Luci, none of this was your fault."

Lucifer took another drink and turned to his brother. "But it will be my fault if something else happens."

"What does that even mean, Lucifer?"

"When the devil walks the Earth and finds his first love, demons shall be released," Chloe said from the bedroom. "He thinks he needs to go back to hell and be their king."

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