Turns Out You Can Go Home Again

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Lucifer had decided to become God. He would finally be worthy of Chloe. Unfortunately most of his siblings were against this idea and following Michael. His father was already gone with their mother so it was time to choose and Michael was particularly nasty threatening to have Chloe sent to hell and revealing his plan that included going ahead and killing Dan. He had to win this and all of them stood in the stadium with his demon army and Michael's army of angels facing off for the throne. He looked at his love who really shouldn't be there but knew she was fighting for her life, too.

He approached Michael with the flaming sword and a battle ensued. Somehow when they landed back on the ground, the flaming sword was dismantled and Lucifer and Chloe were both running for pieces. When Lucifer turned with the sword he could see Michael was approaching Chloe with the tree of life and his heart fell but his reflexes didn't. He moved with the speed of a million angels just in time to take the stab through his heart saving his detective.


All angels stopped with Chloe's gutteral scream and watched her drop to the ground cradling Lucifer's head in her lap.

"Lucifer, no! Please don't leave me. PLEASE!"

"My love, I am so sorry," he said as the life force was leaving him. "I love you...Az"

Chloe's pain was felt among all the angels as she screamed. The world dimmed.

"Guess this means I am God now," Michael said gloating to the cheers of his followers. "The Devil is dead!"

Amenadiel looked at his brother's body and at the angel celebrating in front of him and knew what he had to do. There was no choice.

"Not so fast, Michael. As the rightful heir to the throne as the firstborn, I will take Father's seat."

"What? No! You can't. We already decided and I am it! You cannot do this now. NO NO NO!"

Amenadiel would laugh at his brother's tantrum if this was not such a serious situation. He looked at the angels who had initially chosen Michael's side and they started to move to stand with him. Michael was only left with a few supporters. Amenadiel couldn't help but see Chloe stroking Lucifer's face out of the corner of his eye. His beloved little brother.


Lucifer woke up in a dark space of nothingness but he remember his sister, Azrael, coming to get him, which was strange. What is this place? Is this where angels go when they are removed from existence? Or was this his torture?

"Dang, you look awful."

Lucifer startled hearing a voice in the nothingness.

"Mr. Set Out Bit..."

"Hey now, not here."

"What do you mean "not here?" There are no rules in hell."

"You aren't in hell, Lucifer."

Lucifer looked at Lee like he had barked liked a dog instead of using words to talk with him. He huffed laughter at the statement.

"The columns and doors are missing but this blackness is unmistakable."

"Perhaps you just need to realize the light within you, Lucifer, to see where you are. Think about the detective."

She was alive because he had saved her from Michael and that was all that mattered. And with that, the room brightened and Lucifer smiled. And then he could see the blue skies. The streams around him. Peaceful breezes. Perfect temperatures. He was in the Silver City. How?

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