Demons Everywhere

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Lucifer and Amenadiel carrying Maze landed in a corridor of Hell.  Lucifer immediately closed his eyes and took a deep breath in and out through his nose arching his head back before opening his eyes.  He could feel the power coursing through him as he entered his kingdom and he sent out a call.

"My king," Dromos said as he rounded the corner.  He looked way different in hell from the body had had taken on Earth.  In hell, he was smaller with a black spikey hair, pale skin and crystal blue eyes.  His mouth was set in a perpetual thin line as he surveyed the visitors.  "Have you come to punish us?"

Several other demons appeared next to Squee, none of which would make eye contact with Lucifer.  They all just continued to look down in shame.

"Well, that will depend on what happens next, Dromos," Lucifer said with a stare that made Dromos uncomfortable.  "You see, I am your king.  I will always be your king and could incinerate you right now for your betrayal."

As Lucifer was talking, every word was weighing Dromos down until he was on his knees in front of Lucifer.  His shoulders slumped down along with his gaze.  

"Do you feel that power, Dromos?"

"YYYes, my king," he said in a painful tone.

"Defy me again and you will simply cease the exist," Lucifer said.  "And that goes for the rest of you.  No matter where I am, I am your king.  Do you understand?"

All the demons in hell felt his power and stopped what they were doing and dropped to their knees.  The ones who had defied him trembled in their weakness.  

"Now go back to what you were doing."

All demons ran as fast as they could but threw Dromos an angry stare.  Dromos turned to leave but Lucifer stopped him without even one word.  Lucifer's eyes glowed red and Amenadiel straightened as he could feel his brother's power.  Maze closed her eyes and smiled probably in a deep memory of days gone by.

Dromos trembled.

"Do you feel that, Dromos?  Do you feel the heat within you?  Never doubt who your king is. Never doubt that your existence is up to me."

"Yes, myy king," Dromos stuttered.

"Now, we have some business and, eh, restructuring.  Bring the other guides immediately so we can have a talk."

Lucifer watched as Dromos scurried off.  As he watched, he felt something calling him.  A presence in hell that he knew.  

"Brother, I need to go handle something."

"Luci, what is it?"

"Just someone I recognize and need to greet.  Maze, take Amenadiel to my quarters and I will see you both back there."

Maze did not question his orders but Amenadiel just stared at him and Maze had to touch his arm to get him to move.  

"Maze, what was that about?"

"Not sure but Lucifer can sense souls when they come down.  He knows where all of them are and their guilt.  There must be one he knows down here."

"Is that odd?" Amenadiel said as they continued to walk the never ending dark corridors that all seemed to be identical except for the various doors. 

Maze stopped and looked back at Amenadiel shaking her head.

"Lucifer has known many souls that have come down.  Some bothered him and some made him breathe a sigh of relief."

"What does he do with the ones who bother him?  And what does that even mean?"

"Well, like there was a man who had been horribly disfigured by his father.  Burned and cut.  Lucifer reacted really powerfully to him."

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