The Question is the Answer

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Lucifer had spent a lot of time with Dan talking about his life and why he wouldn't see Trixie.  Dan did not believe he was worthy of her love.  No matter how much prodding, he could not get him to go even after Lucifer figured out how to get Chloe to see Dan to talk with him.  Until LeMec escaped.  Some type of electrical failure caused an uprising and LeMec broke out of prison.  Dan followed him to a convenience store where LeMec was working on getting away.  When Dan could not get LeMec to stop threatening the life of the clerk, he took over LeMec's body and went to see Lucifer for help out of the situation.  He was encouraged to go see Trixie because he could actually speak to her in this form.  Upon visiting her, he saw the light.  

Unfortunately, LeMec now knew Lucifer was the devil and reached out to the contacts that had given him the orders from Michael.  Those angels and Michael continued their hate and provided LeMec the information and tools he needed to kill Lucifer.  

Lucifer looked down at his phone and saw Chloe's name.  "Hello, Detective."

But the light dimmed.  

"If you touch one hair on her head, I will kill you."

Just as Lucifer threw his whiskey glass across the room, Amenadiel had appeared.  


"Brother, why did you allow them to take her?  WHY!"

"Take who?  What are you talking about?"

"You are God.  Do not even pretend that you do not know."

"Lucifer, I really do not.  See I have father's job but not all his power.  I am functioning in the role but I am not him and all knowing.  It just doesn't really work that way.  So what is going on?"

"LeMec has Chloe."

Amenadiel stared at his brother in disbelief.    "Luci, what do you want me to do?"

"Protect them!"

"I cannot do that and cannot come with you, Luci.  As much as I want to, I cannot.  I can, however, deal with another part of the problem.  You will not face any of our siblings there."

Lucifer shook his head and headed to the place where LeMec held Chloe.  5th and Swanson in an abandoned warehouse.  As he arrived he looked and Maze was there waiting for him.  Amenadiel must have called her and told her what was going on.  She would have his back and had already positioned her knives and fell in line behind him as to walked into the warehouse.  

As soon as they walked in, they were attacked by LeMec's men.  One was able to slice through Lucifer's arm to their amazement.  

"Looks like some things forged in hell made their way up here, Lucifer."


Lucifer pushed his way into the room where Chloe was being held and saw her tied up in a chair and LeMec had a gun to her head.  She looked so uncomfortable in that wooden chair with her pregnancy and that made his anger even more pronounced.  He could see the fear for him with this situation and his eyes turned red.   His love and their child were in danger and it was his fault.  He should have killed LeMec instead of letting him see hell on earth.  

"Lucifer, I am okay.  This isn't your fault."  She knew.  She always knew what he was feeling.

"I am here, LeMec, so let her go."

"No, I do not think so," in his French accent.  "See, I want you to take it back and I will keep her until you do."

"Take what back?"

"The darkness."

Lucifer kept his eyes glued on his love and saw a tear fall and his heart almost stopped.  "I cannot take it back, LeMec.  You soul is full of guilt and pain and darkness is what you will see."

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