Everything tastes like chicken

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Lucifer woke up next to Chloe who had spent the night with him at the penthouse.  Today was the day they were set to have dinner with his dad.  It was a day of dread for him and now just because he was having to spend time with his father.  What if his dad said something that turned Chloe away from him?  What if she didn't want him any longer because she was made for him?  

He looked over at her and stroked a piece of her hair away from her face.  She was so beautiful that he would sit and stare at her as she slept.  Probably a little creepy but he could not help himself.  Her snores just made him smile.  And when she would throw her leg over his and snuggle up next to his side, he was in paradise.  

Today he had to head down to hell and handle some things.  She knew he would be leaving her this morning and would be back later.  He had promised to wake her before he took off so he showered and dressed before bending down next to the bed and giving her a gentle kiss on the mouth.

"Umm," she smiled before opening her eyes to look at him.

"I will be back later today," he said smiling at her sleepy expression.

"Don't take too long," she said closing her eyes a little struggling to fight sleep.  

He kissed her again and whispered he would be back soon and headed down to hell to check on things.  

Lucifer arrived to Dromos standing alert and waiting.  

"My King," he said bowing.  

Dromos had seen what Lucifer did to Ronos.  All the demons had and their attention to detail and dedication had greatly increased.  As Lucifer walked the halls of Hell offering inspection, he felt his father's presence.  He turned quickly but his father wasn't there.  And then he felt the power and he heard what no one else could hear.  Confusion set in.  

"What? I don't understand."

"My king?" the demon dressed as a clown who happened to be near questioned.

"Not you, Artakan."  

He watched as Artakan quickly shuffled down the corridor to the hell loop where he was assigned.

Lucifer looked down and shook his head.  Why?  So many questions that he would need to ask tonight but right now he needed to work through some things down with new admits and demon work orders.  He missed having Maze down here helping him.

Chloe finished up some paperwork and had just arrived back home.  Trixie and Dan were having a daddy daughter date night, which was good timing so she could do dinner with Lucifer.  He hadn't contacted her so she assumed he was not back and dinner was at 7.  It was 5:30.  Surely he would be back soon because time down there did move much differently so in terms of hell, he had been gone days even though it was only several hours here.  Now what to wear to meet and talk with God?

Lucifer arrived back in his penthouse.  He was tense, as usual.  Hell was, well hell on his whole sense of being.  It weighed him down to visit and the world seemed so much darker for a little bit when he came back.  He noticed Chloe wasn't there so he sent a text and went for what he really needed which was some whiskey.  Actually he needed a lot of whiskey.

She called.

"Hello, Detective."

"Lucifer, you were gone awhile.  Are you okay."

Should he tell her what his father had said?  It was so confusing that he didn't even understand it it.


"Sorry, Detective.  I am just processing something."

"Something?  I can come on over so we can talk before we have to go." 

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