The Light Beyond the Fear

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Lucifer and Chloe arrived at her house after a quiet trip in his car.  Chloe went up to take a shower while Lucifer made her some dinner and fixed a tray to take it up to her. She kept whiskey there for him and he had fixed himself a drink, as well.  He entered her room and sat the tray on the bed.  He could smell her shampoo and heard the water turn off as he stood looking out the window.   

Chloe looked at herself in the mirror.  She was so tired, emotionally and physically.  She opened to door and could see Lucifer drinking his whiskey looking out the window and the omelet that he had made her sitting on the bed.  It smelled heavenly.  

Lucifer turned to see her standing in just some white panties and his body reacted to her like it did every time.  She was breathtaking.

"This looks good," she said taking a bite and she closed her eyes enjoying it.


She looked up hearing the pain in his voice.  "He fed me, Lucifer.  He didn't hurt me."

Lucifer took a deep breath and turned back toward the window summoning his courage.  

"You asked me something today and you deserve an answer."

"You don't have to do this now, Lucifer," she said in almost a whisper.

"I lo..." and he stopped.  He saw Michael staring at him from Chloe's backyard.  "Michael."


"Michael is here," he said texting something and then starting to head toward her bedroom door.  "Stay here, Detective."

"No, Lucifer.  I am coming with you!" she said as she started putting on her clothes.  

"Chloe, you are defenseless against him.  Please stay here.  For me."

She nodded at him.  "Please be careful."

He smiled his adorable smile at her and nodded his head before heading downstairs to her backyard.

"Hello, Samael," Michael said .  "I see you have your gift back."

Michael was in a tan turtleneck with a greenish tweed jacket.  He looked swarthy with greasy looking hair.  

"You have a lot of nerve showing your face here, Michael."

Amenadiel landed and smirked at Michael.

"Ah big brother coming to the rescue.  How is that mongrel of yours?  Figured out that he is just a flawed human that is going to die yet?"

Amenadiel had sheer anger in his face looking at Michael.  

"Don't you ever get tired of this fear thing, Michael?  And being in the shadows?"  Lucifer mocked.  

And that caused Michael to sneer at both of them.  

"So what do you want this time, Michael?"

"Just here to check in on little Charlie and the lovebirds.  Figure out that it isn't going to work, yet?"  With that Michael waved at Chloe who was watching the scene from her bedroom window.  

"You always fall for fear, Lucifer.  It is why you are in hell after all."

"Oh, so you are taking credit for my rebellion?  Well take it!" 

Lucifer licked his lips and took a deep breath in his nose and laughed at Michael who focused on his other brother.

"So you get to watch your child die, Amenadiel.  Slow death.  Are you ready for that?"

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