Fear and Healing in Los Angeles

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Lucifer and Chloe had worked to track down the TJ the fence for the murdered tech. When they found him, TJ sent Lucifer flying through a coffee table, which causes Lucifer to question a possible angel connection. The killer seems to be after something he fenced, so Dan offers to help track TJ's clients. Unfortunately, when one of the clients answers her door, Dan calls in a possible home invasion but it is too late and he is taken by an armed man. But he manages to leave the others a clue that leads to the mercenaries.

Chloe and Lucifer are scrambling to find Dan and Lucifer tells Maze to call in all of his favors. Vincent beats Dan wanting to know where TJ is and shows him a photo of a grave but Dan doesn't know and cannot provide the information. Dan escapes only to be shot in the back multiple times. He hangs on to tell Chloe that he loves Trixie and that the grave he was shown said "Caleb." Lucifer tells Amenadiel what happened while they were in the hospital and Amenadiel realizes who the grave belongs to and what this is about. Lucifer and Amenadiel find Caleb's grave robbed and knows that TJ must have it, which explains his powers. Lucifer and Maze find the mercenaries and kill every last one leaving LeMec with his guilt activated and tortured on Earth.

Chloe and Lucifer sat on the couch in her home after finally getting Trixie to bed. It had been weeks since Dan's death and Trixie was still struggling with losing him. They did not leave her often but the Michael situation loomed over their heads.

"Lucifer, there is something I need to tell you. Something you need to know." Chloe was about to say something else that Lucifer knew was serious from her expression of worry when she froze. Lucifer knew his father was in her house.

"Dad?" Lucifer said getting up from the couch carefully removing himself from his love's side.

"Son, I came to check on you and your humans."

"What?! You came to check on us? Dan is dead, Dad. You allowed Michael and his followers to take him away from his child and you did nothing to stop it. Michael killed humans, dad!"

God bowed his head a little and the light in the room darkened a little.

"Son, I am sorry for what Michael has done. I have tried to deal with him and failed. I thought if I I kept him by my side that he would see a greater purpose but I understand he may not find that through me."

"So what now?"

"I would like to talk with you and Amenadiel about something. Do you mind calling your brother for me?"

Lucifer huffed and rolled his eyes but prayed a call out to his brother who landed a few minutes later really confused to see their father there and Chloe frozen.

"Father? Luci? What is going on?"

"My sons, I have made a decision and I wanted to share it with you both before I reveal it to my other children."

"Oookay," Lucifer said looking at his brother.

"Father, what is it?"

"I want to retire," he said as he picked up the remote next to the couch and started pushing buttons on it with a wrinkled forehead when nothing happened. Lucifer become frustrated and grabbed it out of his hands.

"Father, retire? How can the God of all creation retire? What does that mean for humanity?"

"What that means is I want one of my children to take over for me," he said.

Lucifer and Amenadiel both stared at their father like he had three heads. He might as well have three heads the way he was talking about retirement. They both turned to look at each other and shook their heads. When they turned back to their father, he was gone and Chloe reanimated confused at Lucifer being gone and Amenadiel being in her living room.

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