The Devil and the Fetus

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It had been weeks since he had returned to her and she told him she was pregnant.  Ten to be exact.  He was not anymore used to the idea of being a dad than he was when she told him.  It didn't seem real to him.  Today was her first sonogram, whatever that means and she told him he was going to the appointment.  

Amenadiel had assumed his role as God and life had returned back to normal except for Dan.  He was still here and still refusing to go see Trixie.  They knew one of Michael's angels was still trying to cause disruptions but they did not seem to be of consequence and they, meaning all other angels, were close to figuring it out.  For his role, Lucifer had visited hell often and given instructions, especially for Michael.  Each time he was down there, he felt an unmistakable pull but he couldn't understand what it was.  The hairs on the back of his neck would stand up and he could hear the pain from those souls who he knew did not deserve it.  

"Lucifer?" Chloe asked taking his arm.  "Are you ready?"

He turned from the balcony view of their penthouse and looked over at his love.  How was it possible that she was even move beautiful?  And he had to admit to himself that her being pregnant was actually stimulating him way more than normal.  He asked her if that was okay and she just smiled and said it was perfectly fine and welcomed all the extra attention he was giving her, in between her morning sickness, that is.

"Uhh we do not have time for that look, Lucifer.  Come on and take us to see our baby."

Chloe checked in and they waited to be called back.  Lucifer stared at all the heavily pregnant women in the room.  Chloe was still her normal self and was not showing at all.  He wondered how long it would be before their baby started showing.  Their baby.

"Hey?  You aren't going to take off on me, are you?" Chloe teased.

He smiled and started to tell her never when he heard Chloe's name called.  They were taken to a room with an interesting looking table that he made a mental note might be nice for the house.  Of course Chloe could see right through him and hit his arm, which made him smile a little.  

"Alright, Ms. Decker, I will have the doctor in shortly if you want to put this gown on."

"So what happens?"

"Well she will ask a lot of questions about how I have been doing, talk to me about any concerns and then we will love at the baby with that machine over there."


"Hello, Chloe!" Dr. Deed said as she walked into the room.  She was about 5'3 with blond hair and a light in her eyes that told Lucifer she loved what she does.  "And this is handsome man?"

"Lucifer Morningstar, the father."

"Well nice to meet you, Mr. Morningstar.  Ready to see your little angel?"

Lucifer almost fell out of the chair and Chloe had to stifle a laugh while hoping up on the table.

"Okay Chloe, how is the morning sickness.  What concerns or questions do you want for me?"

Lucifer had moved to stand next to Chloe and watched as a gel was placed on her stomach.  

"The morning sickness is still there but it seems to be getting better.  Lucifer had a concern about sex and pregnancy."

Lucifer looked at the doctor almost pleading for the right answer.

"Sex is perfectly fine, Mr. Morningstar.  And I have a feeling, you will see an increase in desire soon from Chloe as she enters the 2nd trimester so take your vitamins and drink lots of water."

They both laughed and Lucifer looked at his love with desire.  "Already ready, my love."

Chloe played with his beard and smiled at him and said, "I know you are."

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