Home Forever

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Lucifer and Chloe made it to his penthouse and she collapsed into his arms sobbing uncontrollably.  The bloody shirt that he still wore did not help matters.

"Sweetheart, I am okay.  I am not leaving you again.  And you know I am a Devil of my word."

Chloe nodded into his chest but continued to hold on.  She had held everything in until they were alone and she could not stop the sadness now.  Lucifer could barely contain himself feeling her sobs.

"Hey, let me draw you a nice bath and we can talk, okay?"

She nodded and he left to go get everything ready and she fixed him a whiskey and followed him into the bathroom that was candle lit and smelled of lavender.  So peaceful.  She noticed he had stripped off his shirt that was stained with his blood, which had distressed her each time she saw it.  All she could see now was his magnificent chest with no injury at all.

"Chloe, my love," he said as he took her hand and undressed her ever so carefully ever so often planting a soft kiss where his hands left.  He helped her into the warm bath and took a seat at the end holding the whiskey she had made for him.  

"Lucifer, what happened?" she asked after a minute of composing herself.  He gave her a half smile and reached down to grab her foot out of the water and place it on his leg starting to massage her foot with masterful hands.  He took in a deep breath and just let it all spill out.

"I went to Heaven, Chloe.  Mr. Set Out Bitch was there and he delivered me to your father."

"What?!" she practically screamed and sat up pulling her foot away in one motion.  "My dad?  Lee?  How?"

He smiled at his love.  "Lee forgave himself, Chloe.  I didn't know it was possible but he did.  And his soul was freed.  Isn't that amazing?"

Chloe smiled at her devil and nodded.  He had seen some true evil in hell but he told her that there were good people down there.  That is what made his job so painful.  He was so good and she loved him.

"He took me to your father, Chloe.  I was able to tell him about you and Trixie."

And a cry escaped her.  Lucifer just smiled and reached out to touch her cheek.   

"My dad had given him a letter awhile ago telling him he would know when to hand it out.  The letter was to me."  

Chloe shook her head in disbelief but Lucifer told her what the letter said and she looked at his face that still held amazement and tears in his eyes.  

"I got to come back to you."

Chloe stood up took him into her arms.  She couldn't wait any longer and needed to feel him.  he reached for a towel and wrapped it around her after drying her off.  Then he carried her to their bed and placed her down in front of him and dropped to his knees in front of her to her chagrin but then he buried his face in her lap.  He hands went to his hair and she caressed him until he looked up at her.  

"I love you, Chloe.  I always have.  You are my heart, my soul and my world.  I would give up my life over and over to keep you safe and happy."

His beautiful brown eyes were so full of light and she melted inside.  He was her heart and soul, too.  He always had been from the first moment she met him at that piano in Lux.  She pulled him to her and started kissing him hungrily and greedily.  She needed them to be one.

Later that night as Chloe slept, Lucifer texted Amenadiel to come for a talk.  

"Brother?" Amenadiel said as he landed on the balcony.

"He wanted me to tell you that he loves you and Charlie."

And Amenadiel teared up.  He didn't have to ask who or why.  Just knowing his father had sent a message through his little brother was everything to him.  

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