Michael 2.0

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Many Earth years later (way more in Hell)...


Lucifer looked up from his notes to see Michael had entered and sat on couch in the office in Hell.


"I was working in the 5001st corridor but heard something that I was not expecting."

Lucifer looked at brother. Michael had made so many changes since ]he had tried to kill Lucifer. He had even apologized to Lucifer, Chloe and Amenadiel. He said killing his twin had changed him. That he felt never ending darkness when it happened and that a force told him he would never escape that dark. He didn't like the dark. It took awhile but through work in Hell, Michael had helped to redeem lost souls by using his newfound calling. Reading fear and reporting that to Lucifer helped them save souls by understanding where the roadblocks were just as Lucifer was able to see what they truly desired. Their powers worked together to find the path to redemption for those in hell. They were actually both meant to heal but Michael also had another job. Those who were truly evil and their desire was not to be redeemed, Michael helped their fear so the torturing was much more productive.

"What was it?"

"A prayer."

Lucifer cocked his head to the side in amazement. That corridor held some of the worst of the worst and Lucifer rarely went down there. It was not his job to punish any longer and there was no one to heal. But a prayer would change that.

"Really? That is amazing, brother."

Michael had asked for this particular job and had an office in the area. He would find those who they felt could potentially be healed. Most of those souls had already been in hell for longer than most people on Earth had been alive if one thought in terms of Earth years. Lucifer was truly proud of his brother.

"Are you coming with me today?"

"Lucifer, do you think that is a good idea? I am still the same angel who tried to kill everyone you care about."

"Actually, brother, I think that is exactly why you should come. The two redeemed angels attending Christmas dinner together. Something poetic about that. And Amenadiel told me to give you an early present to open."

Michael cocked his head to the side with a questioning look looking so like his twin.

"We are going to fly there. Not me carrying you but on your own. You've earned your wings back," Lucifer said smiling at his brother.

"I don't deserve..."

"Nonsense, brother," Lucifer said as he rounded the desk to stand in front of his brother. "Everyone deserves a second chance. Remember?"

Michael shook his head in disbelief and stood to follow Lucifer out. Lucifer shrugged to bring out his wings and waited for Michael. Michael still looked to be in shock but Lucifer just smiled at him and waited. Michael shrugged his shoulders and his wings were out new and without damage. The burden that he had carried for so long with Lucifer's fall and his part in it, resolved.

They both started to fly but Michael stopped Lucifer.

"Thank you, Lucifer."

Lucifer smiled at his brother. "It is a good day. Now come meet my children and we have a special surprise."

Lucifer and Michael landed outside by the pool. It was a particularly warm day in Los Angeles and Chloe had the doors open and he could hear the laughter inside. Michael hesitated a little but Lucifer just laughed and said to come on.

The twins walked into family. Amenadiel, Linda and an 8 year old Charlie were there. Six year old Rory and three year old twins, Zane and Decker, were running around playing with Maze and Eve's newly adopted daughter, Lila, who was the same age as Charlie. Trixie was standing talking to a boy her age and was holding his hand, which Lucifer was not particularly happy about but Chloe told him she had to grow up sometime. Maze had done a thorough background on him, though.

"DADDY!!!" three kids yelled at once and ran into his arms. He lifted them all with ease and gave them hugs and kisses.

"This is your Uncle Michael," Lucifer said pointing to his brother.

"He looks like you, Daddy," Rory said.

"Yep, we are twins like Zane and Decker."

"How did you hurt yourself, Uncle Michael?"

Lucifer smiled at his little girl. She was a healer, too. He knew it. She felt with every ounce of her soul and he understood her with every fiber of his.

Michael smiled at the little girl and said, "Doing something I shouldn't have. It is important to listen to your parents, little one."

And the kids were off and running to play after giving Lucifer some more hugs and kisses.

"Still cannot believe this, Lucifer. You a dad? Amazing."

"Isn't it?"

And Chloe walked into the living area and into Lucifer's arms kissing him.

"Hello, Michael. Welcome to our home."

"Thank you for having me, Chloe."

It was a strained conversation but one to be expected.

Their other siblings, Raphael, Gabriel and Zadkiel, arrived and were greeted with children rushing them with nerf darts and then giggles and hugs.

"Where is Saraphiel? Has has disappeared again to find herself?"

Raphael shook his head yes and laughed.

"Dinner is ready, sweetheart," Chloe said to Lucifer with a smile. Lucifer turned and nodded at Amenadiel who closed his eyes and light filled the room and everyone, children included, stopped and stared at him and felt the power.

God and the Goddess appeared before them.

"Dad, does Mum really not have better clothes in her universe than that damn cardigan and socks with sandals? Really?"

"It is good to see you too, son," God said embracing Lucifer in a hug as the Goddess hugged Amenadiel.

"How is this possible," Linda asked.

"Oh a little Christmas miracle between AmenaGod and myself with some help from these two. Apparently we are pretty powerful when we want to be."

Michael hung back and watched as his brothers and sister hugged their parents. And the kids ran up to see their grandparents. It was like any normal family and it felt good.


Michael startled to see his father standing in front of him."

"Son, I hear great things about the work you and Lucifer are doing. I am very proud of you."

Michael's mouth dropped open and his head shook a little. He looked to see Lucifer and Amenadiel smiling at him.

"Thank you, Dad. I enjoy my calling," and both of them smiled.

"Don't ask any questions or he will mysterious ways you, brother!" Lucifer called as he was walking to the kitchen to annoy the staff he had hired to help make this event happen.

Michael and his father laughed as they walked to join his mother and get a hug from her.

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