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Lucifer flew up to the beach house and quickly folded his wings back in. His children, now grown, greeted him.

"Hey Dad," Rory said giving him a long hug. Lucifer gave her a kiss on the head and looked at his sons.

Decker John and Zane Thomas who looked and stood identical to Lucifer with the black hair, tan skin and dimpled smile waited for their turn. They did get their mother's blue eyes, which made them even more striking and difficult to look at when they are filled with tears like now.

"Boys, you know you will see her again," Lucifer said he walked over to hug them both. He knew they were mama's boys.

"Where is Trixie?"

"She is in there with mom right now because we wanted to come out and greet you."

"Dad, it is bad. She is in a lot of pain today."

Lucifer had tears in his eyes. His love had suffered awhile with cancer so much that he had confronted Amenadiel about allowing it. His brother had answered him correctly and told him that he could not interfere. It was difficult to hear but he knew that was his role.


Lucifer turned to see his youngest daughter running into his arms. Zia was a few years younger than the boys and Lucifer had to talk Chloe into having another one. He loved being a dad and he would have had a hundred children if that was possible. She was the only child who looked like Chloe and Lucifer could never say no to her. Ever. The other kids would laugh at how much she had him wrapped around her finger but really she had them wrapped the same way. They were all very protective of their little sister.

"Lucifer? Mom wants to see you," they heard Trixie say as she walked out to join her brothers and sisters.

Lucifer kissed Zia on the head and smiled at his children. He took a deep breath and went to join the love of his life. Their room was a hospice for her and he had brought in a designer who made a huge hospital bed where he could lay next to her when she felt up to it. She had a nurse and a doctor constantly with her and a cook who would cater to her every whim. She hadn't been utilizing that much lately but Tan would still try to get her to eat her favorites each day.

"Hello, my love."

Chloe smiled before she opened her eyes. She was so very frail and had lost so much weight. The battle showed on her face and in her eyes. But in true Chloe form, she had fought with dignity and grace throughout. Lucifer would even tease her that she just didn't want to spend eternity with him and that was keeping her here and she would just roll her eyes at him.

"Where are the kids?"

Always thinking about their children. "Right outside the door. Do you want me to call them in?"

"In a minute. Will you crawl in the bed with me?"

Lucifer wrinkled his brow and cocked his head sideways. "Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you."

"You could never hurt me," she said smiling at him. "I just want to feel you next to me for a little bit."

Lucifer crawled careful into the special bed with her. He felt her cringe a little but relax when finally settled beside her.

"What happens, Lucifer?"

"Well my sister normally would come down and take you to Heaven, where you belong. And you get to spend eternity in the space that makes you the happiest."

Lucifer knew that Chloe had a choice and where she spent eternity was up to her. He would visit Heaven if she wanted to stay there with her mom and dad, Dan, Charlotte and Linda, who had died a few years ago. Ella had died in a car wreck last year and she was waiting, as well. Whatever made her happy would make him happy.

"Do I actually see a light?"

Lucifer kissed her head and nodded yes. "It is the brightest light you will ever see. Peace will come over you and all worries, fear, sadness...whatever makes you anything but peaceful...just fades away with your mortal body.

"That sounds nice.

"Wait, you said normally. What does that mean?"

Tears flowed down his face but he had a little smile of comfort. "I am going to take you."

Chloe had tears in her eyes as she thought of her love delivering her to Heaven. She knew that had to be hard for him because she knew how much he loved her. That her suffering and death had to impact him even if he knew she would live an eternity. Of course he would make sure she was okay. He always had.

With the little bit of strength she had left in her body, she played with his beard and puckered her lips for a kiss. The stupid oxygen tubing was in the way but Lucifer still managed to give her a kiss.

"Could we get the kids in now?"

"Of course."

The Morningstar children and Trixie surrounded their mother's bed with Lucifer still at her side. She had drifted off and Lucifer knew by her breathing that she had said her last words and they were waiting for her mortal body to give out.

His children were all crying but Trixie was particularly upset. She was truly losing her mother and would not see her again for a long time. The others knew they would see her often.

"Mom, tell Dad I love him. I know Lucifer tells him but make sure you do, too."

They all told her they loved her as the monitor went off indicating her heart had stopped. The room was filled with a bright light but only the angel and half angels in the room could see it. The humans could only feel the energy.

Lucifer watched as the doctor did a final check and turned the monitor off. But he knew because standing in the corner with Azrael was Chloe. She was his detective in her jeans, sensible brown shoes shirt and a fitted jacket. Of course that is what she would envision in her death. She was as beautiful as the day he met her. When the doctors and nurse left the room, Trixie asked if her mother was here.

"Yes," Lucifer answered.

"I love you, Mom. I always will."

Lucifer looked at a smiling Chloe and she nodded. "She heard you. It is time for her to go now."

Lucifer approached the love of his love and offered his hand. Chloe smiled and took it and they walked outside where Lucifer spread his wings and took her home with Azrael behind them.

Lucifer delivered her to Heaven and kissed her hand. "You are going where I cannot go."

"What? Why?"

"I love you, sweetheart. See you soon."

Chloe was left in the brightest of rooms. Her soul was light and she felt nothing but peace.

Amenadiel appeared and she smiled at him and he offered her his hand. Chloe smiled and took it...

Lucifer was working with Vincent Le Mec, Reese Getty and a girl named Tiffany who had betrayed several of her friends at party causing them serious injury when he heard a knock on the door.

He opened the door to see the love of his life.

"I thought you could use a partner."

Lucifer smiled because she chose an eternity with him saving souls. Once the detective, always the detective. And they embraced and kissed.  

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