When the Devil Finds his First Love

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Chloe was home waiting for Dan to come by and grab Trixie. She had not heard from Lucifer since this morning so she assumed they were still in hell dealing with the demons. Her heart beat a little faster thinking about him. She loved him with every fiber of her soul. Her soul. She loved the devil with every fiber of her soul. Chloe smiled at that. She hadn't believed in heaven or hell and now she loved the king of hell. But he wasn't evil. Chloe had seen true evil and Lucifer was far from it.

"Mommy, why are you smiling?" Trixie asked as she came out of her room with her stuffed animal and backpack.

Chloe smiled at her little girl and just shook her head. "Just thinking about how much fun you are going to have with your dad on your trip."

"I wish you were going, Mommy. I don't want you to be alone."

She shook her head and motioned for Trixie to come into her arms. "I won't be alone. I have work."

"And Lucifer," Trixie said smiling.

"And Lucifer," Chloe confirmed.

"Do you love Lucifer, Mommy?"

"Very much."

"Me too," Trixie said as she heard her dad's car and went to the door and opened it. "I love him a lot."

"Love who?" Dan asked as he walked in.

"Lucifer, Daddy," Trixie said with a toothy smiled. "We love him."

Dan had an uncomfortable look on his face but smiled. "That's great, Munchkin."

"You have a good time with, Daddy," Chloe said as she gave Trixie a hug. "Don't get eaten by any bears!"

"Mommy, grandma and grandpa have a big trailer thing!" she said giggling.

"Oh! I thought you were sleeping with the bears!"

"We will call you, Chloe," Dan said as they walked out with a giggling Trixie.

And with that, Chloe was alone with her thoughts of Lucifer and if things were okay. So she grabbed a bag of items and decided to do a camping trip on her own. She made sure to grab some saltines because her stomach had felt off lately and she knew Lucifer wouldn't have any. Off to Lucifer's penthouse to wait for him to return.

Lucifer landed on his balcony after finalizing all things in Hell. Amenadiel had flown Maze to Linda's house so they could hang out much to Amenadiel's chagrin.

Lucifer went straight to grab a whiskey when he heard something familiar. A snore.

He smiled and turned instead to look at his bed where his detective was so peaceful curled up in his sheets and he could see she was in one of his shirts. His heart skipped a little and his lower region hardened. She was so very perfect and he had to admit that he didn't deserve her. Why had his father done this? Why put her in his path? He still didn't understand but he was grateful.

"Thank you, you bastard," he said looking up. "I don't know what your end game is but she is my everything."

"Who are you talking to, Lucifer?"

Lucifer smiled hearing his detective's voice and walked over to the bed sitting beside her. She sat up and leaned her head on his shoulder and he put his arm around her.

"My dad."

"You were talking to your dad?"

"Yep. Shocking, isn't it?"

Lucifer was stroking her arm and she was playing with his beard.

"Did you get everything taken care of?"

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