Chapter Eleven

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Today Dee and I decide to go to the local library. When we walk in, it was completely empty. We were looking for a specific book that Dee wanted to get, but nobody could help us, so Dee decides we're leaving and we walk right back out.

Okay then, moving on...

She wants to hang out with Jon and I'm fine with that. All I want to do is chill with Moe but he's at football camp, he hasn't texted me today either, which is okay, a little concerning but okay. He barely spoke to me yesterday as it is. I let Dee do whatever, told her to meet up later and that I'd just go shopping around main street. I'm fine with it since I'd do the same thing if Moe was free. She said okay to that. Jon came and got her. I went to this little bistro for lunch and I had my iPad in my Luis Vuitton tote so I took it out and put on my glasses and decided to read the magazines. One of the headlines was CRYSTAL'S AWOL, another article had CRYSTAL & DIAMOND: WHERE ARE THEY NOW? Along with a string of tabloids about other celebrities. I decide to call my mom.

"Hello?" she sounds irritated.
"Hi, mom."

"Oh! Gabriella! How are you?! How is your grandmother? And Dave?" she softens.

"They're okay," I say tentatively,

"What are you doing? What have you been up to?" I remember the other night and how horrible it went. Kissing Tommy was the worst experience. His lips are dry. They need chapstick.

"Nothing much. Dave wants me to learn the counter at the shop. I don't really want to, I don't care about it since I'm not staying here long anyway," I say.

"Of course you don't. Why don't you try at least? You know how much that would mean to your father..."
"I think it's enough that I'm here. Have you heard anything from Tony?"
"No, I haven't." I take a deep breath, sighing.

"Anyways, honey, I have to go." She speaks assertively. I groan and say "bye" and hang up. Now completely bored, I pick my stuff up and toss it in my purse, then stroll down main street until I stop at my father's shop. Everything leads back to Moe. I just want to hang out with him.

So I do. I walk inside and say hi to whoever's at the counter (I don't remember insignificant people's names) and say hello to Moe, who makes my heart race. I want to talk to him some more but he seems to be a bit busy. I take a seat at one of the small tables, pull my ipad out and pretend to look busy.

"Can you hang later... after I'm out of work?" he asks me. He puts a latte in front of me on the table and I smile graciously up at him. I thought he'd never ask.

"Sure," I tell him nonchalantly. I'm happy.

"Where do you want to go?" Anywhere, as long as I'm with you, is what I want to say.

"I don't know. We'll think of something I'm sure... you're coming at what, nine? I assume?" I ask him. He smiles and nods.

"See you then," I say, grabbing my latte and then leaving the shop.

I'm completely inside my own head, he just makes me so happy. I have never felt this excitement with any other person, I have never felt so alive with anyone besides him. He makes everything better, he makes me feel complete, he makes me feel like I've known him all my life. It's weird, I guess. This feeling. Like I've known him all along.

As I'm walking, completely distracted by my thoughts, I see Shannon talking to one of her friends outside a local bar. She spots me from across the street and calls me over to go say hello to her.

"Gabby!" She squeals. She's with a few others, who are apparently just day drinking.

"Oh, hey!" I say, trying to be enthusiastic.

"What's up? How are you?" Shannon asks politely.

"I'm okay, thanks. What about you?"
"Great! Thanks. This is my boyfriend, Seth," I shake his hand since he sticks it out for me. He winks at me, I flush red.

"So... you're with Tommy? Or Moe? I can't tell from the other night," she says slyly. I shrug.

"Moe and I just good friends, thanks. And no, I'm not seeing Tommy again," I'm defensive, but I try to say it as sweetly as possible.

"That's too bad, I was going to say we should double date—but obviously, never mind."
"Great, nice talking to you," and I walk away.

"That girl is such a slut," I hear Shannon say to her boyfriend.

I almost explode. I turn on my heel and march right back over to Shannon.

"Shannon, I'm sure you just put on all that makeup to look like an Insta hoe but whatever you were going for, you missed. Big time. Unless you're some sort of circus freak," I turn to leave, then another thought pops up, "oh and one more thing. Maybe you should start caring about your body, and stop fucking every guy you see, that's what actual sluts do," now I walk away. She bursts into tears. I don't want to deal with that bitch right now, I'm not in the mood for her bullshit. I don't care if she cries, she started it. 

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