Chapter Thirteen

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Because we were minors, alone, with a missing father, Wilbur and Karl had decided to wait this out. Since my father didn't come back this night, they instructed me to call my mom. I tell them it's not a good idea, since I don't want to worry my mom. But I was actually calling her to tell her what happened. Moe hugs me throughout this. Matty's awake now, hysterically crying, he can't control his emotions like me. He keeps asking for my dad and it breaks my heart. Sorry that I'm all you got.

Honestly, I wasn't sad about my grandma. Only my brother was. I mean, of course I'm sad, but not that bad to the point of crying about it. I'm more worried about my dad. And my brother... is exhausted, and terrified. It's not fair for him he's too young for this.

Then there's Moe who for some reason wanted to stick around. Honestly, I would've left a person with all this drama ages ago. It's a waste of time, that's just how I see it. Obviously Moe cares about me or else he wouldn't be dealing with all this. Either way, I'm grateful for him. I wouldn't be able to live through this without Moe's moral support. Just his presence here, with me, makes me so much stronger and makes me want to go out with him, he's like a brother. I never had a boyfriend or best friend that was there for me like he is. And I've always been a basically-only-child in life, considering our age difference and I never saw Matty before this summer. How everything's changed.

I'm nervous about my dad... what if he doesn't come back? If he just abandons us? How would I do... well, anything? Dee wasn't here and I left her three voicemails and ten texts. She is still not here. I do everything for this girl and she can't just come to the hospital? That's how reliable she is. Meanwhile, Moe, I just met and he's been here the entire night, as friends.

WHERE IS MY FATHER?! Now, five thirty in the morning. Any day now dad! Just come back! I feel like screaming. Could he just call me, give me that respect at least, even though I deserve so much more.

"Maybe you should go now," I whisper to Moe. He shakes his head.

"You have football camp," I gently remind him. Again, he's shaking his head no.

"I'm not leaving you," he tells me.

"Not until we know your dad's okay," he reaffirms. That makes sense... he actually cares about my family.

I can't believe I meet my grandma again for the first time in years and she dies. How is that possible? Why couldn't I get more time with her? What in the world is wrong with me? Why am I such a bitch?

"Where's daddy!?" Matty is wailing, snapping me out of my doom and gloom thoughts. He's scared.

"Young lady, does your father not come home typically?" The Wilbur cop asks me, cutting out Matty's tantrum. Moe is dealing with Matty, thankfully.

"No, he doesn't. I'm a little worried, but he should be okay. I will tell him about my grandma when I see him. If you guys have to go, it's fine," I tell the police. They shake their heads.

"We're staying. Let the hospital sort it out with your grandma and then if your father still isn't here we'll take you to the station..." I was not about to do that. I call Chanelle. I don't care that it's early morning hours. She needs to pick the phone up... come on...

"Hello?" a tired, exhausted voice answers.

"Hey! Chanelle. It's Gabby." I sound so matter-of-fact in front of these cops, they're probably impressed.

"I... I need your help," I stammer out, a little less confident.

"What's wrong? You okay?" she sounds worried.

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